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Hello and welcome to the pre-chapter parts of this book!

Firstly, I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who showed up from Guns And Roses to see what happened to our gal. I also want to thank all of my new readers who are here for the same great story! If you're new to this series, do not worry because my intention was for this book to be able to be read in its own. This is a prequel, so no events from the past book will take place; just some foreshadowing. If you have read the previous book, I ask that you keep spoiler comments away in case of new readers, but please feel free to ask any questions.

This book would not at all have been possible without the support of all my readers and followers. Though my heart goes out to everyone reading this, there is one group I would like to thank:

I want to dedicate this book to the Hispanic and Latinx community.

To all my Hispanic/Latinx readers: A lot of your culture was incorporated into this book and I truly hope it does justice to your community. I would like you all to know that your culture is wonderfully beautiful, and there's still so much I can learn from you all. I honestly believe that America would not be the country it is without your influence, and to say thank you, I hope you can relate to the main Latinx family represented in this book.

Este libro no hubiera sido posible sin su comunidad. Este condado no sería tan grandioso sin usted. Así que gracias por todo y por tener la fuerza de ser usted mismo como un orgulloso hispanx/latinx.



Thank you again to all my Hispanic/Latinx readers and everyone who is reading this story. Your support means the world to me.

Stay safe, be kind, and please enjoy the story kings, queens, and royals in between ≈

Blooming Roses // BNHA × OC // Where stories live. Discover now