{17} Who Lives, Who Dies

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Aeyo POV: 𝗠𝗮𝘆 𝟯𝟭𝘀𝘁 𝟮𝟯:𝟬𝟰

     If someone could please explain to me why I got stuck cleaning up this mess, it would be greatly appreciated.

     Trying to get Rose, the single most stubborn person I knew, to let the pros find her Meister was probably the most difficult part. No matter what I said, she just refused to let go of this. However, she was also exhausted, and it showed. Normally I'd have to try hard to get her to move, but this time it was relatively easy to drag her along.

    The fire started to spread, and it blocked most of my vision from the school. I kept trying to look for Angel's blob of thermal energy, but all I could see was red. After turning my back to our school, what was left of it, I could make out a few people some distance away. I kept a hold on Rose by her arm and tried to move us over there where I saw the thermal outline of my mom. I helped Rose move on her probably hurt leg and led us there.

    Mom didn't hesitate a second to grab me into a tight hug. She usually wasn't one to worry, but then again, nothing like this had happened before. I let her hug me for a second while I tried to scan the area around us. I noticed Mom was standing near Rose's mother. But she wasn't on the ground like the rest of us, so I assumed she was in a car. The car could fit her and Mateo, and the sirens also hinted that it was in fact an ambulance.

    "Are they ok?" I asked her. I doubted they were, but I couldn't hear anyone loudly freaking out, so I hoped for the best.

    I heard Mom sigh while she kept an arm around me. "They're gonna make it out just fine," she assured me. After hearing that, I turned back to make sure Rose still hadn't run off. Sure enough, that pain in the neck I call a friend was still there, but I could tell she was thinking about going in.

    "She needs a doctor," I told Mom and motioned my head towards Rose. My mom gave me a pat on the shoulder and walked over to help Rose to the second ambulance. Hopefully, we would all be ok too.

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    Ten minutes later and it was finally out turn to see the paramedics in the ambulance. Mom was behind me to stand in as the adult present after Mateo's head injury was taken seriously enough to send him to the hospital with Alejandra going with. People like him with serious injuries were already taken to the nearest hospital, which left the rest of us to be checked out. We pushed Rose to go first, of course. Her arm and leg looked horrible, but she also inhaled a lot of smoke earlier. I helped her up inside the ambulance while a nurse with a clipboard sat next to her.

    "Alright, sorry about that wait. I got a lot of people here," the EMT said. He looked like your average paramedic: older than he looks, judging by the cooler thermal outline, and probably Quirkless. Much like him, his questions were standard and a little forgettable. He went through the same phrases he went through with everyone while Rose tried to respond as little as she could. He scribbled down her answers then set the clipboard down. "That should wrap up the questions. Let's take a look at that arm," the EMT turned to sit facing Rose while she held out her right arm to him. I couldn't see it exactly, but it was obviously bad. The intense thermal heat she usually held was faded from her elbow up, and her fingers were almost non-existent. The EMT didn't make a huge reaction, which either meant he was very professional or Rose still had a hand despite it being decayed.

    No matter what the medics said or how long I looked at her arm, I couldn't figure out how it happened. Her arm was gone, and chances are, she won't get it back. Her opposite leg wasn't as bad, but she still couldn't walk and it was likely in a similar situation. All I could hope for was the EMT knowing how to do his job.

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