Adventures of Pubes Boy

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Axel's POV

Work was a never-ending hell of awkward.

James had called me Pubes Boy more times than I could count. Leo kept making eyes at me. The one other guy on shift, Pedro, was blissfully unaware. At least I thought he was, until I caught him looking at me, James, and Leo with the most confused expression a man could make.

"Let's talk in my office," Leo chirped.

I almost bashed my head into a tire. James cackled.


Following Leo honestly felt like a walk of shame. Even if Pedro was confused as hell, James sure as hell had his own elaborate ideas about what was going to happen between us.

Worse thing was, the moment we were alone Leo had me all wrapped up in his arms. "How do you feel?"

My face went beat red and I squirmed. "Would you quit? You're acting like I'm injured or something."

Leo narrowed his eyes. I was caught up in sharp specks of green that were so much different from rich chocolate. "I meant emotionally, moron."

How supportive. "You're asking if I'm traumatized by what happened?"

Leo shifted awkwardly. He ran a hand through ginger hair before mumbling, "Well, yes. I care you know."

Jesus. If he hadn't said that with such a sincere look on his ruggedly handsome face, I probably would've cracked a joke. Instead, I said, "I'm fine. I liked it, remember?"

Leo relaxed onto the leather couch. He pitched his arms behind his head and reclined, showing off those massive arm muscles and the thickness of his chest. Even the ginger stubble along his jawline added a touch of masculinity.

Why didn't I pick some cute twink guy to take my gay virginity? Damn.

"Good." Leo half-opened his eyes and smirked at me. "That's what I like to hear."

"Don't be so damn cocky—"

Now I had his full attention. "Why not? I wanted to please you. It's a compliment to hear that I made you feel good."

I fidgeted. His direct acknowledgment of how he made me feel really shouldn't have been hot. "I guess."

Then he hit me with a smile; goofy and wide, crinkles at the corners of his eyes, dimples in his cheeks. "Axel. Want to get drinks after work?"

It took a lot of effort to keep my expression straight. "Are you asking me out?"

Leo leaned forward, balancing his head on his fist. "Are you turning me down?"

My mouth opened with the full intent to turn him down gently. Just as I went to say 'nah, I'm good' I ended up blurting out, "Sure, we can."

Leo's delighted expression made it worth it. "We don't hav— wait. Really? Okay. Wow. I know just the place."

We left it at that and I went back to work. I found myself reflecting on why I'd agreed, but I couldn't come up with any good excuse. All I knew was that I was excited.

Yeah, that was the cold truth of it. I liked Leo, even if he was a little dumb and annoying. And I'd loved what we did last night. I wanted to go out with him again and if I ended up in his bedroom at the end of the night, I wouldn't be mad about it.

The only issue was Erik.

Erik... he kissed me last night.

"Dumb idiot," I muttered, not knowing if I was thinking about Erik's careless treatment of our friendship or myself for letting him.

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