Erik Makes a Friend

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Erik's POV

Apparently, I really enjoyed stabbing myself in the emotions.

Okay, okay, I was a hypocrite. I couldn't just go off and have causal Grindr sex, then get mad when Axel had lunch with his boss. Especially when the lunch date had been my idea in the first place.

But still. I was so mad, and I suggested it because I was stupid.

"Dammit," I growled, scrubbing shampoo through my hair and hoping Victor's scent would wash out. "What was I thinking?"

Well, that was an easy question. Axel asked me that stupid question — Rikkie. Are you into me or something? — and suddenly I freaked.

Axel wouldn't realize I care if I sleep with Victor, right? Axel wouldn't realize I care if I suggest he goes on a date with stupid fuckin' Leo, right?

Because I was whipped, Axel was the first person I texted when I got out of the shower. I asked him how his lunch was going, praying that it would be terrible.

Axel: so far so good

There goes that hope.

There was one thing left to do: if Axel was going to be preoccupied with his stupid Leo, I would find a preoccupation of my own.

And that preoccupation was the closest man who was online: Jackson.

Me: is that your actual body??

Jackson: LMAO. Hi. Yeah im a kin major so im a bit of a gym rat

Jackson's profile picture was sexy as all hell. He was a blonde, with picture-perfect tanned skin and a torso sculpted like a Greek god. There was something sweet about his smile, and something mischievous about the look in his eyes.

Me: im a photographer. I'd love to get my hands on you

Me: professionally speaking

Me: like, take pictures of you

Me: fuck, ignore me

That's what happens when I attempt conversation with someone sexy.

Jackson: aww here I thought you just had intricate pick up lines

Me: well... lets pretend that was an intricate pick up line. What say you?

There was absolutely nothing sexier than the phrase 'what say you'. It was a genuine miracle that I'd ever gotten laid.

Jackson: id ask just what you'd do if you got your hands on me

Fuck, I hated the sexting types. I just wanted to fuck.

Me: meet me and i'll show you

Jackson: just so you know, im kind of kinky

Me: that's perfect; so am i

I practically teleported to my car in my own excitement. A hot guy, who was kind of kinky, and also only a few miles away? It was too good to be true.

It was probably not smart to continually drive to stranger's homes, but I was fine so far. I knew I'd be fine yet again when Jackson appeared on the doorstep before I even got out of my car.

"Dude," was the first word out of his mouth when I approached him. "This is bad."

I had a hard time understanding him, because I was too busy checking him out. He must've left his house in a hurry, because his hair was poofed up and ruffled.

Right. He was talking to me.

"Why is this bad?" I asked, glancing self-consciously at my body. "I'm the same guy from the picture."

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