Roomie Day

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Axel's POV

Erik gave me my bowl with the most excited smile in the world. I knew before I even took a bite that I would be saying it was my new favorite thing, even if it sucked, just to keep that smile on his face.

"Okay, don't freak out because it has greens in it," he prefaced. "You won't even notice when you take a bite."

I took the bowl and found myself amused by the way Erik bounced on his toes before sitting next to me on the couch. We had something on in the background, but I was too focused on Erik to know what it was.

"It looks really good," I praised, mixing the pasta around. "Is there, like, mushroom?"

He nodded excitedly. "Yes! And spinach and parm and— it's good, I promise. Try it."

I tried it. It was terrible; I hated mushrooms and spinach. I smiled and complimented him anyway.

Erik looked like I'd promised him the moon, which was cute and all, except for one major point: Erik was acting weird.

Cooking for me and cleaning up after me and doting on me? Totally normal. But doing so without complaint? Doing so and being happy to do so? That was rare.

Erik was a simple guy. He wasn't hard to figure out. He did what he loved — photography and fucking strangers — took care of me, self-entertained through Netflix.

Drastic changes in behavior weren't like him.

"You seem hyper," I pointed out. Hyper didn't describe the wide-eyed, hopeful way he kept looking at me, but close enough.

Erik honestly fidgeted. "Well. You know."


I took a painful bite of healthy pasta. "Nope."

What could've happened between our bathroom chat and now? Wait. "Hold on," I added. "Did something happen with the bimbo?"

Erik looked away from me and blinked a few times, which was his lying tell. "No. You sound like a jealous boyfriend."

Oh yay, this was where the bisexual jokes began. Goody.

"No I don't," I argued, mainly because I totally did and I knew that I did. "Shut up."

Erik smirked and poked me. "If you're going to be a jealous boyfriend, text Leo."

Fuck, Leo. We'd definitely left things in an awkward place that I never wanted to think about ever.

"I think I blew it," I mumbled, staring at my lap. "I totally freaked out."

Erik patted my shoulder and leaned against me. "It's okay, Axe. You don't have to force the sexuality thing if it doesn't actually feel right. Focus on you."

Which was great advice, except that I wanted to do gay stuff. But with Erik. Except not really, because that would ruin everything.

I took out my phone and decided to shoot Leo a quick text. Maybe I hadn't blown anything.

Me: ive been thinking

Yeah, that was good. I left it at that.

Besides, Erik and I weren't compatible. He liked his Victors and his Jacksons and his easy lays. I needed some major help. Buttsex advice. Someone to deal with my gay-first-time nerves and be patient with me.

Leo: ooh. tell me

Leo: unless youre quitting your job. Then keep that to yourself

Me: shut up i am not

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