Overdue Payment

540 58 4

Erik's POV

I woke up curled in Axel's arms.

It was a nice position. We were on the couch together, so there wasn't any more than an inch in between us. I felt warm and comfortable and surrounded by him.

One thing was wrong: what the fuck happened earlier?

I peeled myself off of the couch and covered Axel with the rest of the blankets. Our midday nap had stretched until dinner time, so I left him some microwavable dinners on our table.

I almost didn't leave. I always ran away from Axel and my feelings, but part of me wanted to do something different.

A glance at his phone was all I needed to change my mind. Leo was blowing it up. I didn't want to touch that situation with a nine foot pole.

Jackson and I met up over coffee and I completely collapsed into the chair. I dropped my head into my arms and groaned. "Jackson. Fuck."

I received a solid pat on the head. "You look rough."

"Thanks," I mumbled. "I'm suffering the consequences of day drinking."

Jackson smirked and I didn't appreciate the amusement in his eyes. "Oh, so did your apology with Mr. Sexy not go well?"

I lifted my head and looked at him through narrowed eyes. "It was fine. We had a bit of a photoshoot—"

"Ooh, your kink."

"Quiet," I shot suspicious glances all around. "Not like that. Although, we almost kissed."

I slammed my head back onto the table.

"Oooh." That word was way too drawn out to sound remotely intelligent. "So you're running from your emotions again."

This kid was awfully cheeky for a guy I'd met this week.

I sat up. "That isn't true."

Jackson flopped back in his seat and gave me a look filled with smugness. "Yes it is."

"It was awkward—" that wasn't a lie at least. "—which means that we aren't meant to be. And hey, aren't you annoyed that I kissed you two seconds ago?"

Jackson actually had the gall to roll his eyes, which was almost offensive.

"Ew, straight people standards. I'm not into the whole monogamy ... thing."

Which was such a strange thing to say that I instinctively didn't believe him. But then again, he said it with such a disgusted tone that I was shocked.


Jackson patted my hand. "Hot older babe. I figured you were the same."

No. I was none of the above. Not motivated by love or sexual attraction at all. Not driven to get married or to have seven boyfriends either. Whenever I pictured myself content in the presence of my person, it was Axel. Not necessarily with Axel, just by his side. That was enough.

The sentiment didn't even make sense inside my own head, so I settled on, "Not really."

Jackson smirked. "Well, whatever. That's not even the point. All I was saying is that I don't care what goes on with you and Axel, that's not my business."

He was so easy.

I didn't mean it in a negative way. In fact, the thought was actually relieving. Compared to the stress I felt when I thought about my feelings for Axel, it was nice to have no pressure. It was comfortable.

Jackson sighed and shook his head. "Anyway, I still owe you that blowjob. Want it in the car?"

This kid was unbelievable.

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