~Chapter Five~

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I grabbed my phone and headed to the door. I laughed when I saw the Tv was still on Disney Channel from when James was here. He tried to stay longer but I knew I had to go see Donny. so I assured him I was fine. I opened the door, walked out, slammed it shut and locked it.

I swung my keys in my hand and made my way to my Chevy. I got in, started it up and headed to donny's house. his house was only 20 minutes away. I pulled in the driveway. I grabbed my phone from the passenger seat and got out. I walked up the path.

I got to Donny's door and knocked lightly. It opened and I was immediately pulled into a tight hug. " I'm so sorry baby I will never hurt you again. are you ok babe?" he let go over me a little so he could look at me. he look up and down luckily he could only see the bump on my head.

when he saw it he's eyes softened and he leaned in and kissed my forhead. He moved down to my nose, then my cheek, until finally crushing he's lips onto mine. His hands made their way to my waist, while my arms went around he's neck and my hands tangled in my hair. He moved backward taking me with him. he shut the door with my butt.

he moved us to the couch and layed me down softly. His tongue flicked me bottem lip but I denied teasingly. I heard him growl and and his hand went to my thigh. I gasped in surprise and he took advantage. He deepened the kiss and start rubbing his hand up and down my thigh. He pulled back so I could breathe and started kissing my neck. I gasped when he bit down on my collarbone. I felt him smile against my neck. I pulled his head back to mine, craving the taste of his lips. and every after that was a blur.

I woke up to light snoring next to me. I opened my eyes to see I was no longer on the couch but in Donny's bed. I tried to get up but fail because of his arm wrapped around me. I tried to pull his arm off bit that only made him tighten his grip. "Donny wake up." I whispered in his ear. He turn the other way grumbling something I could not make out. so I layed back down and fell back to sleep.

I woke up when the covers were ripped off of me. I opened my eyes and look up to see a clothed Donny looking down at me. He made me feel self conscious because I was fully naked. I got up and put my clothes back on. with Donny watching me. "good morning," I said giving him a quick peck before heading out to the kitchen. Donny followed behind. "Make me food woman." Donny said sitting on a stool.

I was infront of the stove making Donny bacon. " so how do you feel?" I asked him. "I'm fine just make my bacon." he said. "but I was wondering if we could talk about why you hit me. it's not right to hit me Donny how many times do I nee-" I was stopped by his hand slamming down on the counter. he got up and made his way around the island.

He grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled down so I was looking at him. " I will do what I want to do to you when I want to you whore." he snarled and throws me to the ground. I cry out in pain as my bump on my forehead hit the cabinet. His booming laugh filled the house.

"your the most pathetic, ugliest, fattest, sluttiest bitch and you have a cold heart." then his foot swung back and then forward and a scream escaped my lips. I looked up into his eyes and saw amusement and satisfaction as an evil grin took over his face and that was the last thing I saw before the dark took over my whole body.


hey guys,
sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I'm working on a new book but I'm not letting it out until I'm done with it. ill tell you more about it when I'm done I gonna try and update a chapter tommarrow and Sunday so... ya! comment what you think!!!!!!!
give me some idea on what you think should happen next plz!!!!!
love ya, kaylee

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