~Chapter Three~

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Hey Guys
this is not edited so sorry for my mistakes love ya , kaylee


woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I quickly sat up and grabbed it. "hello." I whispered because off my killing headache. I could hear him breathing hard with angrier "meet me on the football field for first period. and if you don't show up of your late I will find you. do you understand?" he sounded really mad. I nodded my head forgetting I was on the phone with him. "Answer me!!!" he screamed. " yes, I understand" I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek. "good."

And then he was gone I slid down the wall crying. I grabbed the pillow that fell on the ground and screamed into it. He's gonna kill me!! I stayed on the floor having a nervous breakdown.

once I was up I went to the bathroom applied alittle make up to hide my flushed cheeks and put my dirty blonde hair up in a messy bun. I went to my closet and put on some black leggings and a sweater that was light blue and brought out my dark brown eyes and it reached right below my butt. I put on my black high-heel ankle boots.

I went to the kitchen. I went in the cupboard and grabbed the aspirin and set it on the counter. I went to the fridge got a water and took the aspirin. I got my phone and my school bag and walk out of the apartment. I locked the door and went to my black Chevy truck. And started towards school.

when I got there I parked and headed towards the football field. I saw him with a cigarette in his mouth leaning against the equipment shed. he look up as I stood in front of him. I could see the anger in his eyes as he looked into mine.

without warning he grabbed my arm and dragged me to his truck. he pushed me against the door and said "get in." I did quickly what he told me to do. Ince we were both in the truck he sped out of the parking lot and onto the highway.

Neither of us talked on the drive he parked in front of his house and got out. I quickly followed. When we were inside with the door closed he locked it and look at me. I gulped he took a step towards I step back. he stepped foward and I stepped backwards until I hit the wall.

he smirked at me and then I was pressed between the wall and his muscular build. I gasped as he grabbed my chin and turned my head so I was facing him. "Where were you last night?" he asked softly. "I don't know." I mumbled but he didn't here me.

He pressed me against the wall harder "I said where were you last night and I expect an answer." his voice rising with every word "I don't know" I said softly "You Dont Know!!" he scream in my face while i tried to blink away the tears threatening to poor out of my eyes. "I-I'm sorry, Donny. it won't happen again." I said as an escaped tear rolled down my cheek. He grabbed by my throat and threw me to the ground and said " it better not."

"Get Up Now!!" he screamed down at me. I did as I was told just to fall down again when his knee went into my stomach. i laid on the ground crying with my arms around my stomach. He laughed and bent down and picked me up and laid me on the couch.

He crawled on top of me and started kissing my neck, while his hands explored my body. this just made me cry harder. I screamed when he grabbed my stomach with both hands "Shut up Bitch!!" he screamed into my neck. his hands traveled up my waist but I grabbed his hands and stopped them from going farther. he stopped kissing and he sat up on me he looked down at me.

I saw the fury in his eyes he raised his hand I shut my eyes tight I felt my cheek start to throb I started crying agian when he went back to kissing my neck. he moved down to my Collarbone I screamed when he bit my shoulder with force. I still hand my eyes shut he grabbed at my thighs. I started hitting him when he tried to take my shirt off. this was not my best idea.

Before I knew it my head hit the floor and he said " try and get away if you want to go!!" he screamed "Fine I'm Done!!" I screamed back he brought my head back up and started kissing my lips I kissed him back.

I felt him smile against my lips I smiled back. And kneed him in the stomach as hard as I could. he groaned and fell off of me and onto the ground I ran to the door and unlock it I could here him yelling "Get Back Here You Bitch!!! I'll Find You Don't Think I won't !!!!"


I ran and ran. I ran as far as I could before I collapsed on the side of the road. I cried a lot. Then I heard a car pull up next to me I was afraid it was him . I crawled away from the car I tried to get up but I was too weak. "Annabel" a fimialiar voice said but it was not Donny. I look up and saw those amazing blue eyes. "James." Relief washed over me I smiled. those blue eyes were the last things I saw before I fell asleep.

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