Ch. 5 Janurary.. Not right

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(Fourth period APWH)

"Yall got a test tomorrow so I think it's time for some jepordy" exclaimed my history teacher, Mr Phillips.

The class got all excited.

Now my history class may or may not be like you history class.

Let's just say it gets a lil crazy in here..specially during Jepordy.

The class was split straight down the middle with a few switches.

My team consiste of me, Cam, Michelle and a bunch of other peeps.

Now, I must explain before the game begins that Michelle is "the special one" yes she's smart as heck but she has her....moments....

But don't we all.

Anyways, time for question one..

We go first.

I wasn't really paying attention to the question but I did as soon as Michelle says


I quicly snap to attention ..what?

I look at the screen..."Pigsties you mean?"

I exclaim cracking up.

At this point the whole class is.

Next question goes to the other team..

They answer the  question and the teacher gives a bit more of an explanation to it and somehow (again, not really paying attention) plagerism comes up.

And Michelle was trying to ask if that's what the teacher ment.

But instead of saying plagerism she says plagerisation.

And Cam, looking at her phone..glances up and says,with a straightface/monotone..

"Its plagerism"

And the whole class burst into laughing (even more than they already were)

"Cam,that was mean!" I say jokingly.


Mr. Phillips goes.."oook next question.."

In the end our team always..but that's because Mr. Eienstien (aka. Cole) was on the other time. I swear he must be related to Eienstein or somethin cuz he's wickedly unusually smart. Michelle even says that he knows the answer before the question is even seen. And it seems like that.

Yay lunch time.

Jake wants to hang out today in the library.

I mean yeah we are like best friends now..although I feel it still hurts just a little.

I tell Cam that I'm not gonna be there imma be with Jake and she goes.

"Oo guuurrlll get soommee"

And I just give her the look like no.

She smirks and walks off.


In the library I sit at a computer and wait for Jake. While I'm waiting I Google

(Since all we really do is look at colleges yay -_-)

Jake walks in sits down and Google's always.

This is going nowhere.


And it's annoying..


Ew. Math time. It's easy it's just almost too easy. i wish I'd taking honors like Cam :/

Plus I have a bunch of upper classmen that act like idiots and always copy off of me -_-.

Yasss finally.

I get out of math class and go over to the PE lockers were I meet Jake everyday.

(He has football 6th period..yes I said footballl)

As I walk up he puts his arm around me and we walk togather towards the locker room.

He's babling about how he gave one of his CDs to one of his teachers.

But I'm not listening.

I'm thinking about how this moment is perfect...

But not for the right reason.

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