Chapter Eight : Acceptance

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Brown Sugar: Chapter Eight

Karlana Clarke

After, I stopped crying in the alley. I decided to go over to Professor Wiliam's house. Currently, his wife is away for her uncle's funeral.

Interestingly, William didn't go because he didn't get along well with her uncle- He never approved of him to be with his niece.

The grudge was so strong that he did not feel any remorse.

In addition to how I felt... He treated Linda in a way that deeply saddened me.

She was a beautiful, sweet lady. As a pediatric nurse, she worked with children.

Having fertility issues of her own made her desperation even more devastating, since she loved taking care of children. She was willing to keep trying for a baby.

Meanwhile, her husband didn't care, to give her what she wanted. Instead, he would rather fuck me.

I know, soo fucked up right.

William was once a sweet man but he just turned sour once

" I'm surprised you came on such short notice", He sheepishly said closing the door, behind him.

" Yeah, well. I didn't wanna go straight to my grandma's house." I trailed on nonchalantly.

In my mind. I was completely numb.

I sat down on the couch, quickly taking off my shirt that had blood on it. I was just ready to shower and change clothes.

I didn't want to remember anything that happened last night, that whole experience was just terrible.

He raised an eyebrow with a concerned tone.

" If I may ask, what happened to your face and your clothes...wait is that blood ?",

I'm guessing, he didn't see my clothes when I first walked in because he looked very confused.

My band-aid, probably fell off, due to all the crying I did, which caused the glue tape to wear off.

" You've probably seen it all over the news. I was there last night when Zeke Cruz got shot by some racist trump supporters. I was a victim."

I blankly stared at him. I didn't even really have any emotion.

His face became saddened.

" I'm sorry you had to go through that...You didn't deserve that type of experience. Overall, I'm just glad that you are okay."

He kissed my forehead and rubbed my shoulders with his hands in a soothing manner.

" Is there anything I can do to make you feel better ?", He looked at me with attentive eyes.

" Yes," I responded quickly.

" What's your request love ?." He asked me.

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