"There's the oceans I like drowning in."

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A/N - I am sorry for not updating like I said I would, I have struggled to find the motivation to write after not having the time for so long. But, one chapter before Christmas and I am hoping to get one up between Christmas and New Year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Stay safe.


Kara's head pounded, even with her eyes still closed she knew it was going to hurt twice as bad when she opened them. She must have started frowning, upset by the pain when a soft laugh sounded in front of her, warm breath hitting her face.

"Welcome to the land of the living and hangovers, it is not for the weak." Lena's teasing wasn't as cheerful, her voice as pained as her words made Kara's head pound. Biting the bullet, Kora forced her eyes to open, the simple movement taking more energy than she wanted to admit. "There's the oceans I like drowning in."

Lena smiled down at her, herself looking as bad as Kara felt. "You aren't allowed to drown, I'd save you." She pulled the raven-haired woman closer, her grip on Lena's waist that smallest bit tighter. Her words were said into the pale shoulder in front of her with how close she pulled Lena, the statement pulling another laugh from Lena.

"Not that I don't love this," Lena ran her fingers through Kara's blonde hair. "but I think we are the last one's up and I don't want to waste our last day here laying in bed." She ran her fingers through the baby hairs at the nape of Kara's neck, the blonde burrowing further into her shoulder at the action.

For several minutes, Kara refused to move, no matter what Lena said, she refused to move from her place with her face buried in Lena's shoulder. It was only when the distinct sounds of others moving through the building and confirming Lena's observations that she dared move. Still, as she pulled back to look at Lena's smiling face inches from her own, she was inclined to stay in bed with her regardless.

It took another hour before Kara and Lena were ready to meet the others, Kara having stopped Lena from getting ready by simply laying on her and refusing to move. If it hadn't been for Lena's want to spend more time talking science with Caitlin and Cisco, she would have caved to Kara's pleading to stay in bed. The blonde wasn't happy. Lena wasn't sure, but she thought she heard Kara mutter something about knowing everything already, but she brushed it off for later.

As Kara had expected, when they found the group, several of them were hovering around clear boards covered in equations and results taped to them. Caitlin was looking at something in a microscope when she quickly straightened and threw her hands in the air.

"YES!" The shout hurt Kara's head, Lena flinching slightly at the loud sound. Caitlin closed her mouth when she noticed the two of them stood at the entrance to the lab wincing. "Sorry, but I am glad you're here."

That piqued Kara's interest, Lena's too as they moved to grab some coffee before joining Caitlin at the boards with so many equations on them that Kara couldn't be bothered to understand, unlike Lena's hurried reading. "Can you please tell us whatever it is at a lower volume?" Kara asked, gulping down some of her hot coffee.

Caitlin messed with a few things on her desk. "Sorry." She grabbed a vial from the back of the desk. "Now, I know you don't need it now, but we found a way to get your powers back quicker."

Kara frowned and started to look at the boards with more interest, reading over the equations with ease and test results quicker than any of them but Barry could see. "You think flooding my system with adrenaline will kick my cells into overdrive and prompt them to absorb solar radiation at a rate quick enough to have my powers restored in a day?"

As she finished talking Kara noticed the number of eyes on her, Lena's included. "I want to say I'm surprised you understand all of this, but I'm really not anymore." She smiled but waited for Caitlin to confirm what Kara had rattled off.

With a nod, Caitlin stepped back from the microscope and gestured to it. "It isn't a theory. When you got here I had just finished a test on a fraction of the blood we took when you got here, before your powers came back. The cells had remained human, depleted of their solar radiation but when I added some adrenaline, approximately double of what a human could tolerate, the amount of vitamin D in them started climbing, much higher than that of human levels."

"So you're telling me that Winn was on the right track with an adrenaline kick-start for my powers, but that this would work more efficiently than just waiting for me to need to save someone I care about?" Kara pointed to the microscope, Lena having already bent to look at the sample Caitlin had been studying.

Caitlin nodded. "Exactly. It would cut the time your powers would return in, to a day at most, potentially just short of that if you were to remain under the sun lamps you have at the DEO." She grinned. "Also, I want to say congratulations. i know I said it last night, but after Sara's drinks I wasn't sure you'd remember much today." She chuckled, Lena smiling at her while Kara looked a little confused.

"What are you talking about?" Kara looked around, Barry and Cisco having turned their attention to the girls now.

Lena laughed and stood properly to raise an eyebrow at Kara. "Whilst you were drunk last night you let it slip that we got engaged in your attempt to keep Sara away from me." Despite her raised eyebrow, she couldn't help but laugh as Kara's face fell into one of shock, her eyes getting wider than she thought possible.

"I-I I'm sorry Lena, I didn't mean to." Kara stammered, all of her attention on the woman at her side.

"Don't worry, it was funny." She wrapped one arm around Kara's waist in a side hug. "If I were you, I'd be more worried at the thought of Alex finding out she wasn't the first person to know." Kara let out a squeak that had the room bursting out in laughter and Lena didn't need to look up to know Kara had gone pale at the thought of what her sister would do when she found out.

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