"Why do I feel like I've died?"

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A/N - I'm back with a relatively short chapter and I'm sorry I've been gone so long, I have been extremely busy. I tried uploading this yesterday but my internet was not cooperating! Thank you for sticking with this story and most importantly... Enjoy!


Lena waited, watching Sam's monitor from the chair next to her bed. The woman had yet to wake up but she was holding steady, when she woke up they could see if there was any residual damage. Shifting, her lower back protested the moment, stiff after several hours watching the green line on the monitor hold steady at sixty-three.

They weren't sure when she'd wake up, but as Lena's phone pinged again with another message, she hoped it was soon. She didn't need to look at it to know it was Kara wanting to know what was happening, she'd texted twice already and both replies had been the same.

"I really need you to wake up Sam, because I don't want to tell Ruby we failed... or deal with replacing you at L-Corp." She whispered into the quiet room.

"Good priorities there, Lena."

Lena's head snapped up to Sam's face, eyes barely open as the heart monitor's beeps increased imperceptibly. Sam's voice was hoarse and quiet, and if she wasn't looking into groggy brown eyes, she would have thought Sam hadn't spoken at all.

"I should have talked about having to replace you hours ago if it meant you'd wake up." Smiling, she leaned forward to the edge of Sam's bed, hand searching for hers to give a quick squeeze.

Sam didn't reciprocate, but she did smile, it was tired and there for a few seconds before she let it fall. "Why do I feel like I've died?"

Her smile fell. "Um... because you did." Sam's eyes snapped to hers. "To get rid of Reign, we flooded your system with liquid Kryptonite so potent that it killed you, we revived you after a minute, but you died."

A shuddering breath filled the room. "But she's gone?"

"We believe so, yes."

Tears slid down the sides of her cheeks. "Thank you."

She squeezed the hand she was holding again. "Don't mention it because there are some side effects."

"L-like what?"

Lena bit her lip and wished Alex would have volunteered to do this. "The amount of Kryptonite we flooded your system with will take a while to leave it... meaning for the foreseeable future... you're radioactive and being around Kyrptonian's isn't possible."

Sam paled. "What are you trying to tell me Lena? Ruby?"

"Ruby is fine. You can be around Ruby, but you can't be around Superman or Supergirl." Please don't make me say it. Please.

She sighed, her body relaxing into the bed. "What's the problem then? I'll just make sure I'm not around Supergirl."

Tears pricked at Lena's eyes. "That's not possible."

"What are you talking about? I know Alex works with her and Kara's her friend, but surely, I'm not that radioactive I can't be around them without effecting Supergirl. I'll just stay away from any accidents as best as possible and not go near any natural disasters should they happen."

The tears fell and she didn't wipe them away, Sam was convinced nothing had to change. "That's not possible, because... because Kara is Supergirl."

Sam's face fell, the light blinking out in her eyes. Her mouth opened as though to speak but nothing came out, it moved silently. "Kara is Supergirl, which means you can't be around her anymore and since Kara and I are practically living together-"

"I can't come over because it could be harmful to Kara and Alex spends more time around Supergirl than I thought, which means my entire friendship group spends more time with Supergirl than I thought possible, which means I can't." She was fully crying now, understanding of her situation sinking in.

Lena gripped the hand in hers with both hands. "I'm sorry none of us told you, I found out by accident and Kara didn't want to put you or Ruby in danger because you knew her secret. She'd have told you herself but-"

"I know, and I'm glad she was trying to keep Ruby safe because honestly, I don't know what Reign would have done if I'd known who Kara was."

Holding Sam's hand up, clutched between her own, she leant forward on the bed with her elbows, practically praying. "Thank you for not being mad at her, she's been worried you'd hate her."

"How can I hate her? If anything, I need to apologise to her after everything I did."

Lena gripped her hand harder. "No. You don't owe her an apology. She knows it wasn't you."


"No! Nothing Reign did was your fault." She loosened her grip on Sam's hand. "Now, here is what is going to happen, you are going to get better and then you are going to choose anywhere in the world to work from and you are going to be the best CFO from wherever you want to go. We'll call and facetime and every six months we'll test your levels until you can come back if you want to."

Sam smiled, tiredness pulling her eyes closed. "Sounds like a plan, but I think I'll let Ruby pick where we go and of course I'm gonna want to come back, you're all here." She squeezed Lena's hand holding hers. "Now, I want you to tell me about you and Kara because as your best friend I require all the gossip and seem to be missing some."

Lena laughed. "Well, that's a long story."

Looking around the Med Bay, Sam hummed. "I don't think I'm going anywhere for a few hours at least."

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