What's going on Sam?

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A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates I didn't have much motivation for a few days and then I just got a new camera so was playing with that. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.


Walking out of Kara's apartment, I messaged my driver to have him pick me up downstairs. I didn't have to wait long thankfully, my car arriving a minute after I stepped out onto the street, before anyone caught wind of where I was. The last thing Kara needed was cameras outside her apartment because of me.

The drive was silent, heading to L-Corp and no doubt the copious amount of paparazzi that are waiting for me. From down the street their flashes were already going, catching every moment of my arrival and I wasn't even out of the car yet. This was going to be fun.

By the time we had parked the car and my driver had gotten out to help me the paparazzi were ridiculous, pushing and shoving as though that was going to help get more than pushed back by my security. Security which was trying to do just that as I walked through the crowd, being a Luthor doing at the very least something helpful for me since I took over. No matter how much they wanted pictures, they didn't want to get too close to a Luthor, meaning I was able to walk to the doors with only the occasional knock.

"Where have you been since the incident with your brother?"

"What do you think of the rumours that say you helped your brother plan the attack on city and Supergirl?"

"Do you know the whereabouts of Supergirl or her health?"

The questions wouldn't stop, following me as I let the glass doors fall shut behind me and their voices drift to an incessant hum. I didn't hang around long enough for any of my employees to talk to me, my private elevator already at the ground floor ready to take me to my office.

Jess was waiting for me when the doors opened onto my floor, tablet at the ready to catch me up on everything, her words not registering for a few seconds as one question from outside bounced around my head. Did people really think I could have helped Lex? Everything I had done since coming to National City was to help make the world a better place; turning in my Mother, saving Supergirl. It was all to make the world a safer place. Why couldn't people see past me being a Luthor?

"...and Sam Arias is waiting for you in your office." Jess looked at me, fully aware I hadn't heard a thing she said but knowing she'd be called in after I talked with Sam to tell me again. First, it was time I found out why my CFO was missing meetings and putting her job on the line.

Pushing open the door to my office, Sam turned from her stance at the window, head lowered. Not saying anything, I strode to my desk and let her sit in silence with my glare for a several moments, her moving to the other side of my desk as I put my bag down.

"Can I just say how sorry I am. I don't know what happened." Sam apologised, hands pressed together in front of her like she was praying.

Sighing, I frowned at her. "What's going on Sam? Do you need me to come back? If you need help, tell me."

She dropped her head into her hands, voice muffled. "I don't know. I keep losing time and I don't understand why. I don't remember missing the meeting, one moment I'm getting ready to leave for the meeting and the next I'm at home with Ruby the next day."

My heart hurt hearing her talk, her voice wavering and muffling it even more. Getting up, I knelt by Sam's side and brought her in for a hug. "It's going to be okay, we'll figure this out." I was still holding Sam when she dropped her hands from her face, wiping away a few stray tears as she looked up, prompting me to let go of her.

Resting a hand on her knee, I offered her a smile as she took a deep breath. "I know we will Lena." She tried to smile at me but it didn't reach her eyes. "But first, you have a few problems we need to fix." Nodding to the couch, I stood up and we both made our way over sitting down. "The board is worried about your involvement in Lex's plan this week and with the wedding being crashed your relationship with Kara is being rumoured by every tabloid but CatCo."

I leaned back and sighed. "Okay, well let me deal with the board first."

Sam and I sat for a few more minutes before Jess opened my door to tell me the board wanted to meet, something I was hoping could happen tomorrow, but old white men wait for no one. The conference room on the other side of my floor was already filled with old farts sitting around waiting for me so they could start ignoring me. Seriously? Is setting these meetings their only entertainment?

Pushing open the door, none of them even looked at me until I sat down at the head of the table. "Did you all call this meeting just to sit here quietly or do you actually want to talk about something?" Staring at them all, they all avoided my gaze choosing instead to look to one particular board member.

Bald and cynical, the man's suit was worth more than some of my employees made a month - which was saying something. I had long ago decided to just call him Head Fart, nothing happened on this board without his approval. "Yes. We called this board meeting because some of us are worried about the company's finances and stock value with your recent, encounter with Supergirl."

This guy is really losing it. Stopping myself from rolling my eyes, I leant against the table. "What about my most recent encounter with Supergirl worries you? The part where she saved the city and myself - the majority owner of this company - or the part where my brother was the one to orchestrate it?" Keeping eye contact, Head Fart shifted in his seat.

"The latter does worry us, but the fact that you were yet again the subject of an assassination attempt with no legal actions in place for this company should you die." His lips turned down and if I didn't know better, I would have thought he was being genuine.

I knew better.

Lips curling up in a slight smile, I leaned back in my chair. "And I'm guessing you would like for me to sign papers giving this board complete control should I die?" He didn't answer, but I could see it in his eyes that is exactly what they wanted. "Although, your information is outdated because I've had documents signed for the event I'm killed or severely injuried for several months now."

All their faces fell, that was the last thing they wanted me to say. Head Fart fiddled with his watch. "Would you care to enlighten us to these plans or allow our legal team to look them over to make sure everything is in order?"

I shook my head. "Not necessary, but thank you for the concern." Pushing my chair back, I stood up. "Now if you don't mind, I have some urgent business to deal with at CatCo." Without giving them the chance to stop me, I started for the door, leaving them muttering between themselves as I left.

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