"Don't drink that."

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Walking into the main hanger, the whole place was decked out for the party as everyone was talking and drinking. Kara and Lena had only just arrived when Barry shouted her over.


Smiling, she kissed Lena's cheek. "I'll be back in a second." Walking away, she rolled her eyes at the duo drinking their beers.

Lena sighed, she wasn't overly happy about Kara leaving her alone but at the same time loved to see her leave.

"Just a warning, you might want to stop drooling before someone else makes their way over here." Lena jumped at Iris' voice, the woman walking over from her other side.

Wetting her lips, she smiled at Iris, finally looking away from Kara who was now stood with Barry and Oliver. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course." She finished off the last of her drink. "Now what can I get you? Beer, wine or something stronger?"

"Something stronger if you have it?" Heading towards the bar, Lena trailed behind as she looked around the whole place a little more.

The bar was fully stocked, everything labelled and a few bottles standing alone with lightning on the labels. Not having seen the label before, she reached out for one, hoping to find a name or something to tell her what it was.

"Don't drink that." Iris firm voice sounded as she held out a glass with scotch in in and a wine glass for herself. "It's Barry's special alcohol, deadly to humans but intoxicating for Barry and Kara."

Lena's ears perked up. "This will get Kara drunk?"

Iris laughed, leading them over to  Felicity and Caitlin. "Yes, not that she ha ever had some. Actually, has she ever been drunk?"

"That is something I would love to see actually. Drunk Kara must be so fun." Felicity added, jumping into their conversation seamlessly.

Sipping her scotch, Lena shrugged. "I wouldn't know about that, I've never seen her drunk." That got some attention, the three of them looking at her shocked. "What?"

Caitlin recovered first. "How have you never seen her drunk?"

Lena laughed. "Well, I only found out she was Supergirl a week or so before our trip to Hawaii and she only told me herself when we on the plane. The resort didn't exactly pack alien alcohol and then she almost died. Now we're here."

"Fair enough, near-death experiences tend to put a stop to getting heroes drunk." Iris laughed, Felicity raising her glass.

"Tell me about it, Oliver has such a high tolerance for alcohol I don't think I'm ever going to see him drunk." Sipping her drink, everyone laughed. She hadn't seen her approach, but Sara appeared next to her having heard the tail end of their conversation.

"I know who I want to see drunk." Giving Lena a smile, Iris gave Sara a look.

Raising an eyebrow, Lena tilted her head. "I don't get drunk."

Sara chuckled, glass inches from her lips. "I doubt that."

Kara appeared out of nowhere, standing on Lena's other side with a beer in her hand. "It's true, in the years I've known Lena I've only seen her drunk once." She frowned. "Which considering the time of day I've seen you start drinking scotch is surprising."

Sara laughed. "See, I knew you got drunk." The others joined in, Lena, Iris and Caitlin picking up on Sara's flirting while Kara and Felicity remained somewhat oblivious.

Kara's eyes dropped to the near empty glass in Lena's hands. "I'll get you another drink."

She didn't make it a step before a hand was on her arm. "Why don't I make you both a drink?" A glint in Sara's eyes made Lena a little wary, not overly sure where the woman was going with this.

"Um, I-Sure." Kara glanced at Lena.

Finishing off the last of her scotch, she smiled. "If you can actually make a drink strong enough, I don't see why not."

Guiding them over to the bar, Sara moved behind it, picking up bottle after bottle and placing them on the bar. There was so many that Lena lost track as Sara picked up a mixer and flipped a bottle of vodka over her shoulder from behind, catching it expertly.

"Why do I think we just played into her hand?" Kara whispered next to her, eyes wide at the skill Sara was displaying.

Lena was as surprised as she was. "Because we did." The boys joined the bar to watch Sara make their drinks, Lena's containing more alcohol than anything else.

"Never thought I'd see you back behind a bar, Sara." Oliver sipped his beer, smile on his face.

Shaking the mixer with Lena's drink, she smirked. "Well, I offered to make these two a drink since apparently scotch alone can't get Lena drunk."

He laughed. "Of course you did. Just don't go overboard with the alcohol."

Her smirk got wider. "You are not one to talk to me about going overboard Ollie."

Hands up, he chuckled. "Fair enough."

Lena was just looking between the two, the inside joke obvious although she wasn't going to ask. Kara's mouth opened before she could stop herself. "Are you bad with alcohol Oliver? Should you not be drinking?" Several people around them started laughing, Kara pouting until someone explained what was so funny.

Pouring a blue drink into a glass, Sara pushed it in front of Lena as she grabbed one of Barry's alcohol's and poured some into the mixer. "I'm referring to the time we got on a boat and then it got blown up, throwing us both overboard - or I guess underboard since we both got sucked under it when it cracked in half."

Lena's and Kara's eyebrows both rose, Kara's mouth opening slightly. "How did I not know this?"

Sara laughed. "Because you appeared last year and other than a few days we all go back to our lives like normal. Also, I don't dwell on my life before The Queen's Gambit or the five years after it. Training to become an assassin isn't exactly the most fun thing in the world." She gave us a small smile as she added the last ingredient to Kara's drink and started shaking it.

Fiddling with the stem of her drink Lena's interest was now piqued, her brain wanting to know more. "You really don't think back to anything from that time?"

Sara smirked, pouring Kara's drink into a glass, the bright green colour sparking a laugh or two from Caitlin and Iris. "There is one person," She pushed the glass towards Kara and leaned on the bar. "but I can't tell you what we did together." Sara leaned a little closer, smirk bigger and eyes roaming Lena's body that she could see. "Although, I will happily show you."

"Tempting." Lena lifted her drink, the blue swirling in the glass. "So what do you call these concoctions?"

Leaning back, Sara laughed. "You have an All Night Long and Kara has a Kryptonite." Kara brow creased, eyes flicking between the drink and Sara. "Don't worry, it's just a shot of Barry's alcohol, it won't actually kill you."

Holding their drinks in the air, the couple clinked their glasses before taking their first sips.

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