<Chapter 22>

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<Betty's POV>
I woke up besides Perry. We were tangled in the sheets and we smelled like sex. Damn, she even smelled beautiful when she sweated. Not like flowers and cherries but beautiful to me. I kissed her lips softly and she smiled in her sleep. We were both ass naked and I eyeballed a random hair strand strand on the bed that didn't look like it came from either of our heads.

I might have to talk to my wax specialist about that.

I stretched and closed the half opened blinds. I sleepily made my way to the bathroom and freshened up for the day. When I came out of the shower, I wrapped my towel around my wet, slippery body and made my way back into my bedroom. Perry was just waking up, lazily smiling at me. "I didn't know you could take strap like that, girl."

And there's my answer, the one I had been trying to avoid this very short morning. I liked studs. I wanted Munae. "Thanks, I learned from the best," I smirked. I rubbed my eyes and made my way to my clothes. "Well, I guess this is my cue to go then, huh?" Perry said in an odd voice.

"What you mean?" I asked, turning around.

I let my towel drop and licked my lips at her. "I've seen and felt longer tongues, but I suppose that was meant to be sexy. Yes?"

I rolled my eyes and threw her one of my shirts. "Shower and stuff and I'll make you breakfast. I gotta go to work though."

"A working stud? Never seen that before," she licked my lips. "Maybe because your sexy ass has ran all of us broke including the companies." Perry shrugged, "Maybe not, maybe so." Perry got out of the bed and straightened it up. She eyeballed a wet stain. "Yeah, you definitely came when Daddy told you not to," she purred, holding my cheek. She turned away and went into the bathroom. I laid some towels out for her then finished getting dressed.

I pulled my phone off of the charger and went into the kitchen and got a playlist together. Nice summer vibes flowed from the mini speakers and I made my way to the fridge. I heard a loud bang noise from the bathroom and sat my cranberry juice down to see if Perry was okay.

"Girl, did you bust yo ass?" I asked, forgetting to sound romantic. I opened the door and the shower door was open and Perry was bending over to pick up the body wash bottle. A growl escaped my lips before I knew what it was. Perry growled back and I knew a new part of me was unlocked.

"Come join me then, Alpha."

I memorized her naked, wet body then heard the oven randomly cutting on. "I'm cooking you food. Finish up so you can come eat." I closed the door slightly behind me and savored that moment in my head for the future.

I got out my cranberry juice, took some bacon out, some sliced cheese, got some bread from off the counter, and went in the pantry to get my eggs. I was gonna make breakfast sandwiches and make little faces with the butter. I hoped she liked it and also wasn't expecting anything fancy. If she wanted fancy we could eat at Chili's at the pussy crack of the morning. Or whatever that meant.

My phone rung and I saw it was an unknown number. I stopped cutting the hickory bacon in half and turned off the skillet. I turned the oven fan on medium and went into the living room (not far from the kitchen) and answered the call. "Hello...?" I honestly didn't expect it to be anyone other than a bill collector as my mother had taught me but something strong was telling me to answer the phone.

"Is this Betty? Betty Spears?"

The voice was very familiar, matter of fact, the same Southern accent Munae had. The same..tone almost too.

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