<Chapter Five>

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<Munae's POV>
I headed back up to my office and began making plans for my transactions tomorrow. I had big plans for tonight. I peeped that my mom had called but I promised myself I would answer it later on. I finished finalizing my plans and ordered myself some wine. As I sipped the bittersweet flavor with a pinch of lemon and sprite, I looked down dizzily at my paper. If my mom died today, would I care?

If I died today...what would happen to my gang? My mind was far out now and everything looked too perfect. I was also dizzy. I saw giant stuffed animals out of the corners of my eyes and everything was beginning to sparkle like an Instagram filter. I tried to stand up and i felt like I was in a robot's body. I started breathing fast but I felt relaxed, like I was breathing in laughing gas at the dentist. My limbs felt like gummy worm limbs but I felt sturdy. With one movement towards the door I ended up falling and I felt weightless as my breath sucked out of me. My eyes closed and I fell asleep.

I woke up and it was still dark outside. My office was dark because of the motion sensors. I sat up and felt like I was in a new body but ignored it. I went back and studied my wine. It was nothing wrong with it, just my mind playing tricks on me again. I put up my plans and dumped out the rest of the wine. It easily cost maybe hundreds but I didn't want it anymore. I called Mrs. Davis and told her to have things ready for me when I got home. I found my water bottles and tried my best not to gulp it down. I had everything packed up to take home, but I sat on top of my desk and finished my water, slowly eating on some crackers. I looked over towards my mirror and straightened myself up.

I left my office and the mansion. I got into my car and had somebody drive me home. I allowed myself a slip of no caution, and fell asleep in the back. I curled up in the heated seats. I was almost asleep when I heard tired skid. My eyes flew open and I got my tool out from under the seat.

"What's going on?" I asked my driver, my mind catching up, my adrenaline firing through my veins. They turned around, but before they could speak a car ran into the front seat. I ducked in case no one was aware that I was in the back and brought a seat down to crawl into the trunk. Glass was everywhere, I could smell the scent of burnt rubber and gasoline. While it was still loud and whatever car that had hit us was aggressively growling, i i popped the trunk but didn't let it fly up. I made sure the coast was clear and pulled out my other gun from a little area in the trunk. I made sure it was loaded and rolled out, hiding slightly under the car.

I know hiding under the car was dangerous because it could blow up or anything, or some one could drive away, but I was willing to take the risk. I assessed my surroundings and forced myself to remember that I couldn't run away from this situation by acting like a child. I had to survive and get out of here. The car that had ran into us was slowing going out and I saw feet stumble out. Hopefully they are hurt. Unless it was by accident. I saw that there was a brightly lit gas station besides us. I needed to stay out of the light and also see if anyone else was with them.

I pulled my phone out my pocket, surprised that it was still on me and dialed up my niggas. I knew the gas station although we weren't even out of Galveston yet. They would be here soon since my gang was situated out here. I always have niggas around.

The person was stumbling towards the front of the car and I slowly moved my way from under the car. I wasn't going to get an unnecessary case, if I knew the person's intentions when they crashed the car I would know whether to shoot them or not. I inched my way silently around the car. I stopped moving. Silence spoke loud when prey was inching forward.

I focused on what was going on, and listened for the person loudly coming into my car. "Shit, they're not breathing," they said. My mind traced the voice that sounded oddly recorded through my memories. It was probably just a mind trick. I aimed at their neck but small hands made their way loosely around my neck. I felt something hard against my back simultaneously.

"I'm not going to hurt you."

They spun me around and slammed me against the car. "Clear this up," the person in the black ski mask and outfit said to the person in the car. "You killed Murriz, Munae Jackie Simple. That was my nigga. My homeboy."

I was knocked out before I could fight back and I felt my waist seem to slice in half and the breath leave my body.

I woke up in a wet place. It was moist and smelled like death. I smelled fresh and dried blood and animals. I heard pigs distinctly in at least a room away. I was tied to a medical bed tightly, all around my body. I had in a catheter and an IV. I saw things dropping in both. What were they putting in me? My eyes were unclear and my mind felt blank and dark. My skin felt itchy and fleshy like it had been melted.

The girl from earlier walked in. I couldn't remember anything. I only knew.

"So why'd you kill him?" she asked, holding a long butcher knife casually. "You won't use that," I said, my voice seeming to take a long time to travel. "Put some more in her bags," she said to someone out in the hall. "I'll go get it," they said. Dim light came out of the hallway until the door clanked close and she grabbed a white, soft towel.

She walked slowly over to a walk covered in blood and mold. She rubbed the towel across it slowly, staring at me coldly and walked towards me with it. She went over to my catheter and poured some of it out onto the towel. She pressed the towel over my face and the knife to my neck, not sparing any pressure.

"Do you like it when I'm forceful and rough?" she said in a sexy voice. She pulled the knife back but not the towel. It was all in my mouth, in my nose. I was blacking out. "I've been waiting to torture somebody," she whispered. "Why did you kill Murriz?"

She left the towel on me for extra measure, then pulled it away, let it fall to the floor and stepped on it with whatever squishy substance was on her black boots. "You disrespected me," I said. My mind was clearing and so was my eyes. I realized that urine was flowing out of me quickly and my mind was catching up with my body. I was scared and panicked. I forced my mind to at least be calm.

"He was a good person. You left him there like a prisoner rotting away in a cell he didn't belong in." She got in my face and stared into my eyes. "I'm going to shit in your mouth and bury you in a casket made with your skin, and surround it with your burned hair and lashes." She pulled back and smiled at me. It was so calm and nonchalant, like she had seen a friend she missed. "The gang is mine.."

I woke up and I was insides the Bentley. Mrs. Davis was pulling me out and I was covered in who knows what, and my clothes stuck to me. I shakily walked into the house. My mind was empty as I was dressed and Mrs. Davis got me ready for bed.

I will call my mother tomorrow, I thought as I withered on my bed.

"Shhh, we'll take care of you."

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