part 1: boredom

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It shouldn't be possible to have this much boredom...

It was such a simple feeling. It was just one being weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one's current activity.

In this case, it was your daily routine of your everyday life.

While many people think it might be, a siren's life isn't as thrilling as it could to be.

It wasn't like one of those stereotypical mermaid lifestyles.

You weren't singing for no reason on a daily basis with a bunch of sea creatures dancing around you in one big underwater shindig.

No, that wasn't your type.

Like most would expect, you had the typical appearance of young adult human, with soft (color) skin and a (shape) body, with slick (length) (color) hair softer than downy feathers. You also had bright (color) eyes that would shine like stars, even in the darkest depths of the water. From afar, anyone would mistake you for a profoundly attractive human being.

But up close... They'll see you aren't entirely human.

You had sharp claws at the tips of your fingers, and pointed ears that could twitch and flatten to your head when you swam or in this case, flew through the clear blue sky. 3 slits lie on either sides of your neck, and would pulse with each breath you took while underwater, though they were currently flattened and closed, so the cold air wouldn't sting the sensitive insides. Your legs had a digitgrade shape, with (color) webbed paws at the ends of them. A long, thin (color) tail, tipped with a large (color) (shape) shaped fin at the end swayed behind you. On your back were two large (color) wings, beating at a steady pace as you flew gracefully through the air.

You were the uncommon; 'hybrid siren'.

The most daunting type of ocean dweller.

Unlike the mermaid-esc sirens most were used to, you weren't limited to water. You were just as quick on land and in the air as you were in the water.

And unlike the harpy-esc sirens of original tales, getting your wings wet didn't effect your flight. In fact, the water simply roll off your wings, and with brief time in the sunlight, they're ready for flight again.

But unlike most sirens in general, however, you wore a slightly faded (color) crop top as well as some (color) short shorts to cover yourself.

It really wasn't necessary for your kind, with clothing being more of a human thing, you still felt an odd sense of modesty without them.

A (color) satchel also hung from your lean frame, as was handy when it came to carrying good finds and holding valued treasures. However... it didn't carry much at the moment.

Unfortunately, you couldn't find many things worth keeping; on land, most of what you found was human litter, harmful plastic things and other objects of little value. If you were lucky enough, you'd find the occasional loose change or lost jewelry.

It was underwater that had the most treasures, with a few sunken ships that held valuables as well as beautiful seashells that weren't already shattered and in mint condition.

Lately however, the plastic stuff has been starting to make its appearance in the ocean as well, namely those annoying plastic rings that'd get stuck on your arm, tail and feet or worse case scenario, those dreaded plastic bags that'd get stuck on your head.

Besides, one can only collect so many seashells before growing tired of them.

With an annoyed huff, you slow your wing speed slightly, lowering yourself from the sky, to scan the area below you to look for a suitable perching place. Maybe a little bit of sun basking will help brainstorming ideas..

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