part 3: the abduction

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"Blue... Diamond?"

You blinked up at the regal figure, your tail flicking in interest. "Quite a befitting name for one so regal in appearance." You offered a kind closed lip smile, making the giantess hum softly, her cheeks darkening subtly at the compliment. "Tell me... where do you come from, Lady Blue?" you tipped your head slightly. "Surely, you couldn't have come from earth alone?" her eyebrows lifted, looking taken aback. "Goodness, no." She set a hand on her chest, like she was slightly offended at the mere thought. "Why, I am from somewhere far... far beyond this planet..."

Your eyes flashed in temporary surprise. Far beyond this planet...? "...Ah... I..." But the more you stared at her, the more sense it made. "I... figured as much.." you muttered, looking her up and down. Nothing from earth could have ever created such an exotic being in a billion years. And the temporary look of mild offense she had when you made such an assumption just cements her cosmic background. Like most otherworldly beings, she may possibly see earth as an inferior planet to hers. You wondered where she could've come from if it wasn't here.

...better yet...

"Could... you perhaps tell me... why you've decided to make a visit to earth?"

Almost at once, her eyes dimmed at the question, a plaintiff expression darkening her previously curious stare. "Because... this planet..." she started, her voice void of its light curiosity, and instead sounded husk and solemn. "Was... where it happened."

you leaned back slightly, your eyes widening as a sudden chill swept down your spine. "It... happened?"

she lowered her head, to the point where her hood covered the upper part of her face, releasing a shaky sigh as she lifted a hand to gesture to the worn spider-legged vehicle from where you sat. "This... was where she was..." she hesitates, sounding as if she were holding back tears, lowering her head more, to hide the ever growing despair that grew on her visage. "Broken..."

"B...broken...?" you repeated, an unnerved edge in your voice. "I..."

Your eyes widened in a sudden sense of dread, your slitted pupils flickering between the broken down spider vessel to the suddenly solemn blue goddess hunched before you, struggling to contain her tears, quickly piecing together as to what she was referring to. The dull ache of sympathy pounds against your chest for the grieving blue giantess.

"Oh... I... I'm so sorry, milady..." you said gently.

She doesn't look up. She just remains hunched, attempting to hold back her ever rising sobs. She had to clasp a hand to her mouth to muffle her whimpers. You frowned at hearing this, hugging your legs to your chest and looking down to your side. "I... I know.... I know your pain, mistress."

while you dully watched the tip of your tail flick from side to side, Blue Diamond lifts her head to stare at you in astonishment, a single streaked tear dripping running down her cheek. "You do?"

"Losing ones you are close to is an agonizing feeling." you continued, feeling your throat tighten as the memories slowly began to bleed into your foremind. "I've... I've experienced many in my lifetime. And many of them... I've witnessed..." you hear a faint gasp from the blue giantess as you sighed shakily, shutting your eyes against the burn of tears making themselves known. "Humans... they can be very... cruel at times. Especially when it comes to something they don't meet eye to eye with." You sniffled slightly. "So... they... do away with us should they catch us." you sighed in dispair. "I've seen it happen multiple times. Which is why there are so few of us..." you pointedly avoided the wide eyed blue gaze as you fiddled with your tail. "...and it is also why I refrain from singing..."

"That's.... that's awful..." Notes the giantess, with a sympathetic frown. "To be despised over something you cannot control..." you still didn't look up at her, as you opted to keep your gaze focused down. " don't deserve any of that."

"I... thank you.. milady."

You finally look up to and was startled to find blue's face had inched closer to you. "A magnificent creature like yourself shouldn't have to suffer like this... especially when you have to stifle such a beautiful talent for such lowly creatures..." Despite the friendly, almost motherly smile on her face, you couldn't help but feel an ominous aura in her tone. "I'm glad I decided to come back here again... not only have I managed save another piece to her legacy... but a very valuable one as well..."

"U-uhm... I beg your pardon-?" Was all you managed to say, before a massive blue hand shot out and grabbed you, her entire hand easily gripping your entire body. Her fingers pinned your arms to your sides and her palm pressed your wings into your back, leaving you immobilized entirely.

Even if it was a surprisingly gentle, admittedly warm grip, it was still abrupt enough to make you yelp and constructive enough to make you panic and struggle. "M-Milady!?"

You look up to find her extending her left arm, and to your complete shock, behind her a massive blue metallic arm arose into view, mimicking her arm's movement. Now to your complete horror it was even more massive than any leviathan creature you've ever seen. It even dwarfed the giantess that held you. "Wh-wha... what the fly-fish!?"

"Do not worry, my little siren..." you hear blue diamond coo gently as she walked over towards what looked to be a similar structure to the one you were previously perched on, only blue in color and massive in size of course, climbing in and sitting on a throne like chair. "For I know the perfect place for you to use your talent to its full potential."

"O-oh! Y-you're too kind, milady..!" You uttered, shivering as you felt the ship lift into the air. You watched helplessly through the transparent curtains as the only landscape you've ever known disappeared from view, and was replaced with dark blue walls that shut with a resounding CLANK!

Oooohhh no. Didn't know what else to do at this point. You were already stuck in the hand of a massive blue woman, and taking a look at your current situation; you knew there was no going back now. "Wh-where exactly are we going..?"

She smiled at your question. "To your new home."

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