part 5: Customized

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"Hum..? Wha...?"

"My siren?"

You were suddenly roused awake by a light prodding at your arm, and you turned over to find a small blue figure looming over you. "Are you okay?"

"Oh... I'm sorry, I must have dosed off." You chuckled tiredly, sitting up onto your haunches. With a soft groan, you stretched your arms over your head and unfurled your wings, stretching them to full length, casting a shadow over the dainty, blue gem before you. You let out a tired yawn, your shark like teeth glinting faintly in the room's dim light.

The pearl took a step back, holding back a startled gasp

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The pearl took a step back, holding back a startled gasp.

Thank the stars for her bangs, because then you would have spotted her wide eyes scanning your mighty stature in awe. Quickly, she cleared her throat and stood straighter. "W-We have arrived at homeworld."

You rubbed the sleep from your eyes, smacking your lips lightly. "We are now?" You sighed, stepping off your soft nest. She nods. "Come. Our diamond has something for you before we continue."

With one final stretch of your legs, you followed the pearl back to the massive control room where the large blue empress sat. You bowed briefly to the pearl before unfurling your wings and taking flight, flying upto blue's eye level. "You had something for me, milady?"

She smiled, lifting her palm for you to land on. "I certainly do," she chirps cheerily. "As I've stated beforehand, We'll need to get you into proper attire before entering the palace." She pokes your chest. "And I don't think such raggedy clothing is fit for such a regal creature such as yourself." You bit your lip, unsure of how to take that.

"Now... hold still. And try not to fidget." She instruct, running a finger over he over her gemstone, making it glow subtly.

What is she...?

Suddenly in one swift motion, the light of the gemstone suddenly engulfs you, and you felt as though you were being thrown into a sauna, as you were enveloped into a very potent, but not overly uncomfortable heat. You flailed around in alarm as you floated about in this blue chamber, which was starting to fill with a strange light blue mist. As this mist grew thicker, it started to swirl around your clothing. It appeared seep into the fabric, and you found that the your outfit becoming oddly warm...

...Really warm.

You spared a look down and was alarmed to find your clothing was suddenly engulfed in a bright, near blindingly white light...

Outside, Blue stared down at her glowing gemstone, waiting for almost a minute before she reaches up, and fishes you out. "There." She hummed, smiling lightly. "That's better."

You let out a surprised yelp as you were abruptly pulled back into the comparatively cold air, being held by the scruff of your shirt pinched in between two large blue fingers.

"Oh, I'm sorry," you heard blue coo gently, watching as you fluttered your wings and flailed in a confused daze. "I didn't think it would startle you so much."

"Wha-what-- what happened..!?" You spluttered, blinking your eyes to rid them of the black dots that ebbed in your vision as reality started to come back to you. Blue diamond giggled placing you into her armrest, where her pearl now stood. "I have updated your attire, my little siren." She simply stated, while you stumbled a bit from residual disorientation. "Ugh... updated my what..?" You grunted, rubbing your eyes to clear your vision.

It was when you took your hands away from your eyes and blinked away the haze, you spared a look down at yourself...

And to you complete shock, you find that lady blue's words couldn't be truer.

Your outfit was, in fact, no longer worn and tattered anymore.

Matter of fact, It wasn't even (color) and (color) anymore.

Instead, it was entirely...

Instead, it was entirely

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"What do you think, my dear?"

"I-I..." you were at a loss for words. Not only was your new uniform blue, but it was a completely different style now!

In place of a seedy (color) tank top, was a blue vest like top with dark blue trimming on the bottom, complete with puffy shoulder straps, and a light blue Diamond's symbol emblazoned on the chest. A pair of clean, puffy parachute pants replaced your ragged shorts, the color matching your top perfectly, right down to the dark blue trimmings on the legs and waist. You pulled at them lightly. They had a comfortable stretch... but didn't falter in form or revert back to their original apperance.

They were as real as real could be. "H-How did...?"

"When you were in my gem, I was able to alter your old clothing into something much more befitting." Blue diamond explained, smiling in amusement at your amazement. "I thought that this would be a good look for you. And I'm glad to see I was right."

As you looked over yourself in a stupor of disbelief, blue pearl giggled.

"You should be honored," she chirped cheerfully, watching as you continued to look yourself over. "Only pearls get that kind of special kind customization from their superiors. Even then, it is a rarity since we have the reef to take care of that."

Once you got over your shock, your face became light pink in humbleness. "I-I don't even know what to say." You looked up at her, with gratitude glimmering in your eyes. "Th-Thank you, lady blue!"

The giantess smiled in response. "But of course, my dear." She tips her head to the side in thought. "Of course there's still a few things that need to be added to truly mark you as part of my court, but for now let's get you settled in." She offers her hand down to you and Pearl, in which you both stepped onto. She moves your hand to her shoulder, in which her pearl instinctively perches herself onto, and settles you into the loop of her hair.

"Why don't you resume your rest?" She rubbed lightly at your head with her index finger. "I want you to be at your best when I introduce you to my court."

You liked the sound of that. You didn't fully know how the empire worked yet, so it's best if you could get all the rest you could manage. With a yawn and a cat like stretch, you curled up against the pleasantly warm blue skin.

Blue held back a little 'squee' at the sight as she prepared for landing.

Kind of a headcanon; if in a pinch, a diamond could customize something by putting them in their gems.

They can customize a gem's whole form, but in this case they can change fabric into a design of their liking.

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