part 4: new home

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"N-New home!?"

You stared up in wide-eyed shock at Blue, your breath quickening at the icy panic that filled your chest. "B-But... my home is earth!" You struggled more in her grip, but she held you firmly in place. "P-please! Release me at once!"

"Hush." Blue chided gently. "Earth is no place for such a valuable treasure like yourself. Here, you'll be able to freely share your wonderful gift without the fear of being harmed."

"b-but... but I..."

"Ah, but you're much more special than the specimens I have at her zoo..." Blue pondered out loud, your meek voice barely reaching her. "No, you deserve much better..." she thinks for a moment, while you grunted, trying again to pry yourself out of her fist. "I think... I'll keep you as my own...."

Keep..? Your struggling slowly coming to a stop, and you turned around to look up at her, your pointed ears twitching subtly to listen in better on her plans with you.

"...yes." She smiled to herself. "A treasure like you would make an excellent addition to my court."

...Her court?

She suddenly opened her palm up allowing a rush of cold air to roll over your body, making you yelp at the sudden exposure and instictively wrap your wings around yourself. She now had her pensive gaze trained on you. "Now... we'll need to get you property dressed, as a befitting subject to my court." She noted, poking at your abdomen gently, making you squeak and instinctively push her finger away instinctively. She hummed softly as she contemplated your small form curled up in her palm. "I'll have a special place created for you to stay... after all sirens still have human needs such as eating, sleeping and bathing?" She looked down at you and you instinctively nodded. "As I suspected... is there any other specific needs a siren requires? I wish to make sure you're as comfortable as possible..."

You blinked up at her. She looked and sounded quite sincere. As you slowly sat up into the sitting position, you were barely aware of the shock starting to dissipate enough for you to answer. "Well... we sirens spend a lot of time in and around water..." You Blue tilted her head, with a little smile. "Ah, that won't be a problem. You'll have plenty of water to splash and play in."

You felt a bit lighter, allowing blue to carefully pick you up between her thumb and index finger, and set you on her armrest. You instinctively shivered at the contact with the cold surface, but it's nothing curling your wings around yourself couldn't fix. There was an extensive silence between you both as she would move and make gestures with her arm, which was enveloped in an odd blue energy, the ship moving in sync with the movement. You just sat in silence.

You didn't know what else to do at this point. Everything had happened so quickly. One minute you were on earth, yearning for more excitement in your life, and now here you were, abducted by a blue alien queen, on your way to her planet. And by millions of stars passing by the window at a slow, steady pace, there truly was no going back. .

Well... I guess this is what mom meant by be careful what you wish for... you thought with a sigh. You looked back up at blue diamond, twiddling your thumbs. ...well I may as well gather more information on my 'new home'. After a few moments, you gathered enough bravery to speak. "So... where exactly... is my 'new home' going to be like?"

Blue smiled, pleased at your question. "Oh, I'm sure the others will adore you, little siren." She speaks, her voice soft and child-like. "Never before has gemkind ever heard such sweet and soothing sounds produced by an equally elegant creature." You lifted a brow. "Gemkind?"

"Gems are a powerful race, little one." She explains. "There are many ranks depending on the gem type. But one thing is certain; all gems cannot have so much as one flaw." Her voice suddenly darkened, and you shivered at a chill that swept down your spine. "Flawed gems, or defects are to be terminated immediately." You blinked, trying to digest her words.

💎Our Starlight💎 (SU Homeworld x Siren reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ