Camping Trip~ Charlie Gillespie

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"OW. That was my FACE."

I giggled as Owen accidentally let go of the tent pole, causing it to whack Charlie in the face. Almost the entire cast had decided to go on a weekend camping trip, and we were currently setting up. Tori, Jadah, Madison, Savannah, me and Jeremy's wife Carolyn were assembling all the food, leaving the tents to Jeremy, Owen, Charlie, Sacha, Booboo, and Joshua; Tori's boyfriend.

"Hey, dont laugh at me Y/L/N." Charlie snapped.

"Not my fault you probably did something to deserve it." I shot back. Charlie and I have had an interesting relationship from the beginning. To sum it up, we hated each other. Which completely sucked because I played Julie's older sister in the show, who happened to be Luke's love interest. He rolled his eyes, and I walked back over to the girls.

"Why do you hate Charlie so much?" Tori asked, popping a marshmallow into her mouth.

"Have you met the guy? He's so obnoxious and loud and...and just infuriating." I said. Jadah shook her head, laughing at me.

"He doesn't act that way with us, he's really nice once you get to know him."

"Yeah he's like a big brother." Madison added. I shrugged.

"He seems to hate me as well, so I dont think it's a big deal."

We all looked over to the guys, just to see Charlie whispering to Owen, glancing at me as he did so.

"Point proven." Carolyn said.

Later that evening

I yawned, sticking my hands out over the fire and pulling the blanket tighter around my shoulders. We all sat quietly, the night sounds and the crackling fire filling the silence.

"I'm gonna go get more firewood." Charlie finally spoke up, and a few of us nodded. We went back to enjoying the peace, when we suddenly heard a loud crash and Charlie shouting.

"Char you ok?" Booboo called. Mads grabbed a flashlight and led the way to where the sound came from.

"Charlie!" Savannah whined.

"He broke the tent." Owen sighed.

"Great so we're down a tent. Thanks Gillespie." I groaned.

"Shut up." He snapped, standing up from the mess he'd made.

"Ok well," Savannah started, "we need new sleeping arrangements."

"Jer and I are in one." Carolyn said.

"Josh and I are in one." Tori said, taking Josh's hand.

"Ok, Owen, Booboo and Sahca are sharing, Mads and Jadah have another, and Savannah and Y/N were gonna share." Jeremy listed out.

"Sav can squeeze in with us." Madison offered. Savannah giggled and nodded.

"Ok, so Y/N you have to share your tent with Charlie."

I scoffed.

"He can sleep outside." I muttered under my breath. Charlie grinned a devilish grin.

"Fine by me." He said. I glared at him. We all rearranged, and I rolled my eyes as Charlie shoved my stuff over to fit in his. He zipped up the tent, and I heard shuffling from the others.

"Night everybody!" I heard Owen call, and everyone else answered. I mentally groaned, having been placed not only in a tent with Charlie, but in the tent furthest away from the others.

"Move your stuff as far away from me as possible." I aggressively whispered to him. He rolled his eyes, and plopped down on his pillow, his hands resting on the back of his head. I sighed and rolled over, my back facing him.

Later that night

I startled awake by a noise, and shot up to listen. There was no noise coming from the direction of the others, and Charlie was sound asleep. I heard it again, and decided it was coming from the woods.

"Charlie, wake up." I whispered, shoving him awake. He groaned and sleepily rubbed his eyes.

"What's it?" He groggily asked.

"I heard a noise." I said, trying not to sound scared. He sat up and listened.

"I dont hear anything."

"Well I didnt just make it up." I snapped. We sat in silence for a few more minutes, and heard nothing. I sighed and plopped back down on my pillow, unable to sleep. Charlie did the same.

"Why do you hate me?" He randomly asked. I turned my head to look at him. He lay looking at the tent ceiling. I sighed.

"I dunno. I dont, I guess." I admitted.

"You sure act like it."

"Well because you hate me, so I thought I'd return the favor." I smirked.

"I dont hate you." He replied, causing me to sit in silence for a few seconds.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Positive. I think you're an amazing person and actress, truthfully." He whispered. I blushed, and was thankful for the dark.

"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself." I teased. It once again went silent, and I scrunched my face, confused.

"So why did you pretend to hate me if you don't?" I asked, genuinely curious. He sat up, resting his body on the one arm he leaned on. I saw a smirk on his face.

"You havent been liked by many guys, have you?" He smirked again. I scoffed, offended.

"Guys like me."

"Really? Then you'd know it's a method of flirting."

I lay there, him leaning over me, shocked.

"Shut up." I whispered. "You like me Gillespie?"

As much as I didnt want it to, my heart was wildly beating. Did I like him back? There was no way! This is Charlie. I paused my thoughts to look at him, sitting there over me. I mentally hit myself for thinking he looked cute.

"Don't flatter yourself too much Y/L/N. " he whispered, teasing me.

"So you do!" I replied.

"What're you gonna do about it?" He joked. I surprised myself just as much as I did him, when I sat up just enough to kiss him. I pulled away and laid back down on my pillow, leaving him sitting there above me, shocked. I giggled quietly as he chuckled, and leaned down to kiss me again, moving his body on top of mine. I let him deepen the kiss, and felt his hands on my waist. Eventually I pushed him away, back onto his sleeping bag.

"Go to sleep, it's late." I teased.

"Only if you cuddle with me." He grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him. I gave in, and rested my head on his chest. We soon fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning
"Good morning." I yawned while stretching, our tent door open. Charlie lay on his sleeping bag, still waking up. The others were up and walking around getting breakfast.

"Hey guys." Owen crouched down at me and Charlie's tent door. "I get you guys have to keep up the hate act and all so I wont tell anyone, but keep it down at night I'm trying to sleep." He whispered, with a wink. Charlie sat up with wide eyes.

"Huh?" He pretended to be confused.

"Dont worry, I dont think anyone else heard you guys making out, it's ok." Owen continued to tease. I slapped his arm, and motioned for him to shut up. He just grinned at us and left. Charlie and I shared a look, and both of us broke into laughter.

This one was seriously so fun to write 🤧 btw, Joshua is a made up character just because I needed one more, hes not actually part of the cast😅
I hope you guys enjoyed, vote and comment!❤

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