Alone time~ Alex

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"Hey Alex. Where's the guys?" I asked, referring to them being missing as I walked into Julie and I's studio/garage. Julie and I had lost our mom when we were very young, and just a few months ago a ghost band had appeared in her studio. We'd become really close with the guys, and had joined their band.

"They're hanging with Julie." He replied, standing up from his drums. I smirked, knowing that Julie and Luke were probably having the time of their lives, they liked each other.

"They left you out?" I asked him. He pretended to pout. "Aw you poor thing." I joked. He laughed.

"Nah I just stayed behind so you wouldn't be alone."

I blushed. Ok, I'll admit Alex is cute. But doesn't mean I like him, I assured myself.

"So, watcha wanna do?" He asked nervously with his hands in his pockets. I giggled at his shyness.

"Well you did promise me you'd teach me drums." I reminded him.

"I did, didn't I? Alright, let's start with my practice set." He said, grabbing out the much smaller than usual practice set.

"Wow that's tiny. Fits in my lap." I said as he walked over to me.

"Its meant to just get you used to playing the drums before you use the big ones." He chuckled. He handed me some drumsticks, and sat down next to me on the floor. We started out learning a basic rhythm, but I kept messing it up.

"Here." He patiently said, and threw one of his arms around my shoulder and down to my waist, and grabbed my hands with his. "Its like this." He showed me. I looked up at him, our faces close. My heart sped up as he leaned forward.

"Hey we're back!" Reggie burst in. I sighed, and Alex removed his hands from around me. "Oh I ruined something didnt I? I always ruin things!" Reggie yelled in frustration. Alex and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Pick this up later?" He said with a slight smirk. I couldnt help but wonder if he meant drums or us almost kissing.

I shoved him playfully. "Later, dork."

This was just a short little Alex imagine, hope you liked!💕

Luke Patterson/Charlie Gillespie imagines Where stories live. Discover now