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A few weeks later before dinner, I decided to just go for a walk. I had the time and lack of things to do, so I may as well explore.

As I was walking around, I saw a portrait of a little girl and her mother, sitting in a field. I remember this portrait perfectly. I gently poked the little girl's nose and she opened the portrait door, revealing a hidden room. When I walked in, I was hit with a flash of memories from my 6th year, when the Marauders and I discovered it. I could almost see the boys planning and hanging out in here, laughing at James and Sirius' stupidity.

"What do you want James?!" I groaned as he dragged me out of the common room. The other three followed, laughing.

"Siriiii save meeeeee!" I whined. He just laughed and shook his head. I eventually gave up and let them lead me to... A portrait?

Remus poked the little girl's nose and she opened the portrait, revealing a wicked looking room. I stared in shock as three of the boys sat in chairs or by the fireplace. Sirius wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing my cheek.

"Woah.... What is this room?" I looked around in amazement. It seemed to be a common room of sorts but there was no stairs to dorms or anything.

"We're not entirely sure. But Peter accidentally discovered it when we were running from Filch yesterday," James explained. I grinned as what they had found finally set in.

"Do you have any idea how much fun stuff we could plan in here?" I asked, motioning to the walls full on books and the desk with stacks of blank parchment on it. The desk even had a bunch of quills and pots of ink in the corners, enough to keep us supplied for months.

"A whole heck of a lot. We're already working on some pranks for the end of the year," James explained. I nodded.

"Wow... This place is seriously wicked cool." They nodded. I went to the bookshelves and picked out a book, sitting on the couch.

Sirius sat next to me so I curled up against him, opening my book to read. He chuckled softly, his chest moving under me, and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He pulled me closer and I simply curled up.

Later that night, I was nearly falling asleep curled up against Sirius. The other three had long left by then, leaving us alone in the comfortable silence. Sirius ran his fingers through my hair, which didn't help my exhaustion, humming quietly. I had my head laying in his lap, my book laying forgotten on the ground by the couch.

"Come on Lexi, let's get you to bed before you completely fall asleep," he said softly, looking down at me. I looked up at him, pouting sleepily.

"But I'm comfyyyy," I whined. He simply chuckled in response, sliding his arms under my and picking me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck to hold on, burying my face in his shoulder.

Sirius carried me back to the common room and, seeing as I refused to let go of him, carried me up to his dorm. He laid down on his bed next to me and next thing I know I was out cold.

I smiled softly at the memory of when the boys first showed me the room and made a silent promise to myself to visit here again and make a mark to show at least one of us was here recently.

I walked out of the room and smiled to the portrait, waving before I went down to dinner. Though the great hall smelled incredible, and everything was exquisitely made as usual, my curiosity was piqued when I remembered one particular prank that the Marauders and I had done. It had left a mark in the wall and I couldn't help but wonder if it was still there. So after dinner, instead of going to my office (which is also my bedroom) like usually did, I went down to the dungeons.

I roamed the dungeons until I found the dead end corridor near the Slytherin common room that I remembered so clearly. I examined the walls and grinned when I saw that the wall was still dented. Yes, we managed to dent stone.

"Are you sure about this?" Peter squeaked. James shushed him and we made our way into the dungeons. When we got near the Slytherin common room, I pulled the two boys into a dead end corridor. Sirius and Remus went into one right across from us. We all looked at each other, our faces equally filled with excitement and a few nerves that it wouldn't work.

A few weeks ago I had been reading a book on rare spells when I found one that's supposed to turn a person into the opposite gender. The 5 of us practiced for weeks to get it right, which resulted in Jennifer (James), Sarah (Sirius), Lake (me), Patricia (Peter), and Rita (Remus). It was an amusing two weeks of practice, but we finally got the spell down pretty well.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by James elbowing me in the ribs and indicating his head towards the entrance of the corridor. I glanced around the corner and saw Regulus, Avery, Mulciber, and Snape walking towards us. The 5 of us raised our wands, and I could tell the others were grinning like I was. I held up my fingers and counted down from 3.

When my countdown finished we all cast the spell at the same time. However two of the spells hit each other in mid-air instead of hitting their targets and rebounded. The impact of that sent me and Peter flying backwards. We hit the wall harshly and I could hear a crack. Though I wasn't sure if it was a bone from one of us or the wall.

I winced slightly, remembering the pain from that, and decided to just go to bed. I'll explore more some other time.


Thanks for reading!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

To all who celebrate it: Merry Christmas!

To those who don't, but celebrate other holidays: happy holidays!

To those who don't celebrate anything at all: hope you're having a good Winter so far!

Creds for my new banner go to: -PsychoWxrrior I absolutely adore the banner you made me, thank you so much!

Hope you all are staying safe and healthy!

<3 Riley

<3 Riley

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