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I was doing my daily rounds around the castle, baby Lily on my hip, when I got a bad feeling in my gut. I frowned, remembering the last time I had gut feelings like this. It was the night before Marlene and her family died, I had a gut feeling so I went to check on them. I remember clearly that I had been the only one who got to say goodbye, because I went before it happened. Sure enough, the next day we had gotten news of an attack on the Mckinnons and when we checked out their house, we found them all dead. First her parents bodies, then her older brother Max laying dead at the top of the stairs. Marlene, the youngest of the Mckinnon family, was laying on the floor in her closet. I remember her clearly, staring the sky with a permanently etched look of fear on her face.

I couldn't let that happen to anyone else and if my gut feeling is what I think it is, I need to make sure I can fight. So, just in case, I quickly made my way to the hospital to ask Madam Pomfrey to watch Lily.

"Ah, Lexi, what can I do for you?" Poppy asked as I walked in.

"I was wondering if you could watch after Lily for a bit. I've got some things I need to take care of and it'll be easier without a baby," I explain quietly. She must know by the look on my face that something is wrong because she takes Lily from my arms and sighs.

"Everything will be okay Lexi," she attempts to reassure me. I nod, but I don't believe her and I'm positive that it shows.

After handing Lily to Madame Pomfrey, I head outside. I see that it's getting darker, thunder audible but no rain. I cuss under my breath, as my suspicions are confirmed. I go back inside, trying to figure out how death eaters would get in. As I'm pacing my office, I'm caught off guard by the sound of fighting.

I run outside and to the sound of fighting, to discover several death eaters at the bottom of the steps to the Astronomy tower. The entire setting is way too eerie, and this doesn't help. I immediately send a Patronus to the members of the order, hoping like hell that the death eaters haven't spotted me yet.

And when I see 3 of them run up the steps of the Astronomy tower while the rest stand guard, I know that I have to go out before anyone gets killed. If I can save a life I will.

I jump out and everything from there is a bit of a blur. I can clearly remember fighting with a death Eater and feeling a sharp pain on my stomach, followed by one on my cheek.

The next thing I know I spot something out of the corner of my eye. I knock the death Eater I was fighting out and turn to what I saw. Time stops as I see Bill Weasley fighting Fenrir Greyback, the same werewolf that turned Remus.

I notice a hideous gash on Bill's cheek and without thinking point my wand at Fenrir from behind him. It doesn't seem he's noticed me, though Bill clearly has. He has a look of fear in his eyes and I can't blame him.

"Stupefy!" My spell hits Fenrir straight in the back, sending him slumped to the ground in an unconscious lump. I run over to go check on Bill as everyone else slowly defeats the other death eaters.

"My god Bill, your cheek looks ghastly..." I whisper, conjuring a towel and wiping some of the blood away.

"You're not much better yourself Lexi," he murmurs softly, a small smile on his face. I shake my head, helping him to stand up.

Arthur runs over, helping me to get Bill to the Hospital Wing. The second we walk in Madam Pomfrey is over to us in an instant. She hurries Bill and I both onto beds while Arthur sends a Patronus to Molly, telling her to get here because Bill's been injured.

The second I sit down, I instantaneously feel the stabbing pain in my stomach and cheek and groan, squeezing my eyes shut. "Shit...." I breathe out, clenching my fists. I willingly lay down when Madam Pomfrey forces me, letting her do her thing to heal us.

Critical ~ S. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now