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"What do you wanna talk about Riley?" Ginny asks me. I quickly shush her, not wanting any of this to be overheard.

"We need to learn actual defense. Sure, most of us know some from Harry during the reign of Umbitch, but the younger students need to learn this more," I whisper my response.

Maybe I should clarify something. It's two months into the school year, and we aren't learning how to defend ourselves. All we've got is previous knowledge, which the first years have none of. We're learning how to torture people, not defend against being tortured. The Carrows are horrendous teachers. And I'm pretty sure they're death eaters.

"Well, what are you suggesting?" Neville whispers back. The three of us are gathered by the fire in the common room, taking advantage of the others discussing things to ensure we won't be overheard.

"We need a proper defense class." I watch as the realization of what I'm suggesting settles in their minds. Ginny grins, and I can tell I've got her on board. Neville looks hesitant, but I doubt that he'd disagree. Given our situation, we need to learn to defend ourselves.

"What if we reform the DA? Dumbledore would want us to learn defense," Ginny suggests. I nod and we turn to Neville. He nods, agreeing with us.

"Then it's settled. The DA Round 2 will be formed. And we need to be harsher on who we let in. Only those we are positive we trust with our lives."

"Who's going to lead it?" Neville asks. I allow a small frown to cover my face as I think.

"What if we lead it? Neville, me, and we could ask Seamus or Dean. They've always excelled at defense," I offer. The two seem to like the idea so I look around for Seamus and Dean. I spot them sitting by the window, working on their homework, and stand up.

As I walk over to them, I speak quietly. "Seamus, Dean, we need to talk to you." I lean my head in the direction of Ginny and Neville and the boys nod, following me when I sit back down.

"What's up?" Seamus asks. Ginny is quick to shush him, as I did her, before we explain our plan.

"We'd need a leader. If we have more than one, we can ensure that everyone is as prepared to defend themselves as possible. So, we were hoping one of you two—"

"We'll do it," they agree at the same time. We smile and continue our discussion, planning everything out to the smallest detail. We want to ensure this stays as secret as possible.

As soon as we had finished planning, we divided up inviting people. We planned to invite most of those who were in the DA the first time, minus a few who hadn't been so trustworthy. Neville would invite the 7th years, Ginny the 6th years, Seamus the 5th years, Dean 4th, and me 3rd. It was also decided we would allow a few first and second years, despite them not being as trustworthy, just in case. mostly muggleborns who were at a higher risk. I volunteered to invite them, due to having a decent judge of character usually. We all went around that night, talking to those we planned to invite. Most of them still had their coins from the last time, but just in case I had borrowed some galleons and charmed them to work the same.

The first meeting was taking place that Friday. Everyone gathered in the ROR like planned.

"Alright, I'm pretty sure you all know why you're here. We seem to have a tendency of having terrible Defense teachers who teach us nothing helpful. So, we decided that we are doing this again. We have tighter restrictions this time, and as you can see we have fewer people than we did the last time. There's more on the line, meaning we can't risk being discovered," I explained.

Seamus takes over for me to explain the plans for this meeting. "We're going to start with the basics. Disarming and stunning. Like so." He turns to Dean and disarms him. I take the opportunity to demonstrate stunning, again on Dean. As Ginny uses a reversal spell on Dean, Seamus and I have everyone pair up to practice.

The meeting goes smoothly, and after everyone leaves, Ginny helps me to clean up.

"I think that went very well," She comments. I nod, smiling.

But of course, not all happiness can last. On Monday, I just happened to oversleep. I woke up 20 minutes before class starts, rush to get ready and run down to the Dark Arts classroom. I walk in just as Amycus is beginning class.

"Ms. Black! You're late! Detention, tonight, at 7 sharp," He barks. I nod and take my seat next to Neville. I'll have to let mom know I won't be able to meet with her like I usually do. Class goes as it usually does, reading about the uses of different dark spells, then recruiting someone to practice them. I'm lucky enough that it wasn't me this time, but poor Seamus. Amycus tries to make him light a first-year on fire, to demonstrate the fire spell, but he refuses. Looks like I won't be alone in detention tonight it seems.

That night I walk into detention with Seamus and we sit at a desk, setting our bags down. Amycus struts in, smirking as he holds his wand in his hand. Clearly, he intends to punish us, and he intends to do it cruelly. He motions for us to stand up, and we do.

"Now, Mr. Finnigan. You refused to demonstrate our class spell today on the first year. Perhaps you will demonstrate it on someone of age." Seamus and I's eyes both widen, and we share a look of fear.

I step back, setting my wand down and locking my hands together behind my back. We know better than to argue. But before Seamus can cast the spell, the door bursts open and my mother enters, furious.

"Amycus!" She glares, crossing her arms. "You may be staff, but that gives you no right to give a detention for something as simple as walking in half a second late. As for Seamus, I can't believe you are having students practice spells like this on each other!" I visibly flinch as I see Amycus smirk.

"You two." He points to Seamus and me. "You two are off the hook for tonight, I'd like to have a talk with Mrs. Black. We nod and run out, knowing better than to argue with getting out of detention.


"Quickly!" Dean whispered to Ginny and me. Seamus would have joined us, but he got detention and couldn't get out of it. Neville was busy tending to some injured first years.

The 3 of us made our way out of the common room, sneaking up to the corridor outside Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Time to have a mini recreation of second year (well, first for Ginny). Together we took out our wands and summoned 3 cans of paint and 3 brushes. Red paint, to be specific. Together we all worked for nearly an hour to paint the wall.

We painted the wall to say: 


In blood-red paint. As soon as we finished, we stashed the paint cans away and hurried back to the common room.


Thanks for reading!

I just wrote this in like 2 hours lmao, where is this motivation coming from. I did however enjoy this chapter, and I'd like to let you know that there's only a few more chapters left in this book! I can't believe I've already got over 3k reads on this and almost 10k on Danger! Thanks for those who've stuck with me through the shit show that is this series😅

Hope you all are staying safe and healthy!

<3 Riley

<3 Riley

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