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I was in Hogsmeade, walking around on patrol the afternoon of May 13th. The year had been relatively uneventful, aside from the occasional Death Eater attack in Hogsmeade. As I was walking, I felt a sudden stabbing pain in my abdomen along with what felt like a gush of liquid. Recognizing that I was going into labor, I apparated to St. Mungo's – which was a very bad idea, considering it only caused me more pain – and checked myself in.

They took me back to a room while I had asked them to get Sirius. One of the healers ran off to go owl Sirius and all I could do was hope it would arrive quickly enough. Very quickly the pain in my abdomen started to get overwhelmingly strong, and I started to panic because Sirius wasn't there. The panic forming in my mind did nothing to help the pain, and as my body registered that I was panicking, the pain got even stronger. I had tears forming in my eyes from the unbearable pain and was holding back screams by the time Sirius ran in. He was at my side in an instant, holding my hand and stroking my hair. The familiar calming motion helped calm me down from my frantic panic, which eased the pain as well.

A healer was swift to follow Sirius into my room and as soon as I had calmed down, helped me through the birth. The birth process took a total of about an hour and I was exhausted when the doctor finally handed me the baby. I looked down at the precious bundle in my arms, tears filling my eyes again. This time they were tears of joy though, as I looked down at the tiny baby girl in my arms.

"She's precious Lex..." Sirius told me quietly, sitting next to me on the bed and looking down at our little girl. I nodded in agreement, resting my head on his shoulder. She has hazel eyes, just like mine. The few little wisps of hair she had seemed to match his hair as well.

A healer came into the room a couple of minutes later and asked politely, "What are you going to name her?" So she could write it down on her birth certificate.

I smiled before stating the name that Sirius and I had decided on if it was a girl, "Lily Marls." We had decided to name her that in memory of Lily and Marlene, two of our best friends from our Hogwarts years.

I was allowed to leave with Lily a half-hour later and Sirius apparated the three of us home. When we got home, I sent a Patronus to McGonagall requesting that she accompany Riley and Katie down to the family house in Hogsmeade. 10 minutes later, we heard the doorbell ring.

Sirius opened the door while I stayed curled up on the couch, holding Lily - who's now asleep- in my arms. Riley and Katie came in, talking over each other.

"What happened?"

"Is mom okay?"

"Why are you smiling?"

"Wait did mom have the baby?!"

"Shh. You girls have to be quiet. Yes, Riley, she had the baby. The baby's sleeping though so we have to be quiet so we don't wake her," Sirius interrupted the both of them and explained.

They nodded and Sirius led them to the living room, where I'm sitting. I look up at their entrance and smile.

"Excuse me, but why did you want me...?" Katie asks quietly. I smile.

"You're gonna be living with us, since you got kicked out of your house, so you may as well meet the baby," I softly tell her, patting the spot on the side of the couch for one of them to sit. Riley sat in that spot and looked at her new baby sister. From the look on her face, I could tell she's protective of the child already.

"Can I hold her...?" Riley asked tentatively. I nodded and handed her Lily, helping her with the proper way to hold a baby so the head and rest of the body are all supported. Riley looked down at Lily in awe.

Critical ~ S. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now