Chapter Fifty-Two: Olivia Gets Angry... Again

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If there was one time that the Gardna trio wanted to have some popcorn, it was right now. Olivia had been pissed when she had picked them up at Platform 9 3/4. And when Olivia gets angry, the trio prepares to be very entertained. When they had told her about what Fudge had tried to pull at Hogwarts, her eyes almost turned red from how pissed she was.

"Of all the idiotic, moronic, stupid, pathetic things that son of a bowling ball could have done, he chose to do that," Olivia clenched her fists tightly.

As entertained as the trio were, they also could not help but fear their cousin a little. She had seen many of the horrors of history, so it took a lot to make her mad. If she can stay calm while seeing Helen of Try treated like a trophy to be won instead of as a living person, then you know something had to be bad when she loses her temper.

"What exactly are you going to do, Liv," Harry asked, hoping to not get yelled at by his furious cousin.

"What I am going to do is force them to see that no, not even an entire wizard world government, messes with the Gardna family," Olivia growled.

"Shouldn't we do a little more planning," Melody showed her inner Ravenclaw. "Get the other council members involved, or go to the International Confederation of Wizards, or sue them for everything they got?"

"As much as I love sticking it to corrupt idiots in power, I agree with Melody that subtlety is more important for this situation," Krinos says. "If we go in kicking and screaming, things might get worse and spells could start flying."

"I may be a skilled politician, but I am a Gardna first and foremost," Olivia said. "We protect each other with everything we have. Right now, what I have is a lit fuse and a lot of political power."

"There should still be a plan," Melody argued. "Going into the heart of magical Britain and blasting everyone in sight would cause a lot more harm than good."

"This is probably the first time that I wish we had friends with more power inside that place," Krinos crossed his arms. "The Weasley boys are great, except for the Human Garbage Disposal, but their father is seen as a joke in the eyes of the ministry."

"Cedric's father might be the head of the Department of Magical Transportation, but he does not have a lot of sway at the ministry," Melody added.

"Neville's gran would be our best choice of an allie, but I don't think she likes us very much after we got Neville his own wand," Harry said. "But it was her own fault since she didn't take him to Ollivander's on her own. She really needs to stop trying to force Neville to be like his father."

"Plus, who dresses the way that she does," Melody shook her head. "When Neville made Boggart Snape dress like his gran, there was a literal stuffed vulture on its hat. Who in their right mind would ever wear something like that?"

"This is magical Britain," Krinos reminded. "No one is in their right mind. Luna comes to mind, but she is crazy in a fun way."

"That is more because she is one of us, so she sees no reason to not let all the crazy come out," Harry chuckled. "You have to love that girl. Anyone that doesn't deserves to be in the Fields of Punishment."

"You are such a big brother to her," Melody giggled.

"Well, she is just so innocent, and yet she also knows how to kick butt when needed," Harry smiled. "I want to protect her and also not get on her bad side all at the same time."

"Luna Lovegood, making people confused and yet fall in love with her for twelve years," Krinos joked.

"Unless you are one of those pathetic Ravenclaws that bully her," Melody crossed her arms as she growled. "It's like none of them can handle that she is unique instead of just a bookworm like most of them. Ravenclaw is supposed to value wisdom as well as creativity. To think outside of the box. But looking at any of my housemates and they pretty much have locked that box and hate anyone that tries to think outside of it."

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