Part 3

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Taylor's P.O.V

"Don't look now but here comes the fuck boy." I whispered in a hush tone to Evelyn.

"Hey Taylor!" He calls out and I smack my face with my hand. Of course Summer had to remember my name.

"Yea? What the fuck do you want Summer?" I call out, a wide smile displayed on my face to mask my bitterness.

"Thanks to you I got suspended for 4 days, and on the first day of school? You need to pay for that." He whispers in my ear, but it sounds more like a shout. Oh wait, it was a shout, bitch really blew out my eardrums with his voice which sounds like a harpy.

"Babe lets back it up, you're not going to do shit to him while I'm around." Responds Evelyn, taking the words out of my mouth.

"And why won't I do anything to him? If he was normal he wouldn't need to be put in his place." He retorts while looking bored at Evelyn, which Is just a masquerade for his annoyance at her approval of my sexuality.

"Sweetheart listen, I'm not the same as everyone, I'm not the same as anyone, I tried doing what the cool kids do and pretend to be someone I'm not, but I gave it up and let myself roam free. Now, you might not agree, but I'm not doing it for you heteros who are homophobic, using the Bible to condemn gay people and twisting its words to make us feel bad about ourselves, I don't need your permission, the cost of not being myself is something that isn't worth it, I'm gonna live my life my way, no matter what you or any homophobes have to say, so if you want to fight and add on to your suspension then lets go, I've been itching to put someone like you down to their level, where they belong, I'm royalty babe, so show me the respect a king deserves." I challenged. I would not be intimidated by someone like him, it won't happen, not now, not in a lifetime.

"I'll show you how much respect I think "Your highness" deserves." He announced before he balled his hand into a fist, and as he throws a swing, someone blocked his shot, and I see who it is, Jayden, someone who never gets mad, never even fights or raises his voice, flushed red with anger, heat radiating off his body.

"Back it the fuck up Summer, before I force you to back up. Get the fuck away from Taylor before not only he, but I show you how strong we really are." Jayden seethes, and honestly, I became kind of scared of him, someone who never gets mad is terrifying when they break.

"Ok Jayden enough, let him go." I say. Jayden immediately lets him go, stares Summer down, and goes back to his seat. I notice how quiet the cafeteria became, as I deliver my final statement.

"Summer, I don't know why you hate gay people so much, and I could give less of a fuck, however, mess with me or my friends again, and I will not hesitate to educate you with my fists, before passing you on to my group. Got it? Now leave, so I can eat my lunch in peace." I stare at him, and he stares at me, like a game, trying to see who will back down first. I win, as he stares at me in pure hatred, as he turns and walks away to his group.

"Damn, what's his problem?" Asks sam. I thought I wanted to end the conversation with him.

"Sam enough, it's done, now ignore it and lets talk about something else." Mumbles Jayden.

"Are you ok? forget me and what just happened, I have never seen you mad, it scared me, what happened? What's wrong?" I ask Jayden, putting my full concern onto him.

"I'm fine, it's just annoying, Evelyn already told me what he did yesterday, and it was't right, so I was already pissed off, I just didn't show it, but when he threw the punch, I couldn't take it anymore, your my best friend and I cant just sit by and let you get hit!" He loses it again, slamming his hands onto the table. I see it now, Jayden has been very protective of me since we met in 4th grade, and his protectiveness just went up when I came out to him. He's always been a protective person, making sure I'm ok.

"Shhh it's ok, I get it, but I need you to breathe, calm down." I say in a soothing tone to keep him from lashing out at any of us.

"And Jayden?" I start as he looks up at me with a quizzical look.

"Thank you, I really appreciate how worried you get for me, even if sometimes you get overprotective." I Joke as he lets out a laugh. Maybe we can forget Summer after all.


"Taylor, what was the 20th amendment?" Asks Mr.Winter. U.S History, my favorite class. I've always been good at the class, no matter the year, and Mr.Winter knows it.

"The 20th amendment was known as the lame duck amendment, and it was put in place to make sure that a president could not have a excessively long term." I respond, my face lighting up. I like knowing the answers in this class, it makes me feel smart. I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose.

"Good Job Taylor, I expected nothing less from you." Mr.Winter praises me, and I duck my head in a blush, knowing no one else knew the answer, and that he enjoys my presence in his class. He's my favorite teacher. (remember I said that)

"Even though he's gay?" Asks Summer obnoxiously, and Mr.Winter lets out a snort, he's not like the other teachers, he doesn't take any bullshit from his students.

"Yea like you're something special Summer, if you don't know, just keep your mouth shut got it?" Mr.Winter snakily remarks, and I smile, glad a teacher doesn't care about my sexuality, but instead cares for the amount of work and what the quality of work is. Summer looks surprised, loosing the stoic expression on his face, before regaining his composure and brings back his signature scowl. Mr.Winter managed to get through the lesson without any more interruptions from his students, then he assigns the semester project.

"As most of you know, I assign a project every semester with a year long partner, usually I would let you pick but the school board deems it necessary for me to assign your partners, specifically the highest and lowest grades in the class and then move on from there. He looks at me, apologetic expressions dancing on his face, before he continues, leaving me to my thoughts.

Why would he look at me like that? The highest and lowest grades would be paired for the year? What does that mean?

Mr.Winter snaps me from my thoughts, as he answers my questions, like he read my mind.

Some of you might be asking what that means, well, it means that the person with the highest grade will be paired with someone with the lowest grade, the second highest with the second lowest, and so on and so forth.

"That means... Taylor, your partner is Summer."

Kill me now.



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