Bonus Chapter 5-The last chapter

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A/N: Hey! It's the last chapter for this book! Play the song above throughout the entire chapter if you want, it's called inside out by Zedd, I hope you enjoy this final chapter!

Taylor's P.O.V

6 Months later

"Summer, tomorrow, everything changes. Do you still want to back out?" I ask, my nervousness and anxiety pulsing through my entire body. Tomorrow, after such a long wait, we finally get married. It's a combination of our dream weddings, he wanted a winter wedding, I wanted a summer wedding, (Ironically) but we compromised for a fall wedding. It wasn't a big one, just friends and close family, and a small get together for the party. I never wanted a party for my wedding, and neither did Summer, so that worked out in both of our favors.

"Taylor, don't worry ok? I wouldn't have said yes if I wasn't 100% sure I wanted to be your husband. I love you, no matter what ok?" Summer says, placing a kiss on my cheeks.

"Has Melissa responded to the Invitation?" I ask him and he sighs.

"No, I don't know if she'll go. I'm still saving her a place, but I'm not sure she'll actually want to come." He says and I place a hand on his.

"I hope she does, it's been what, 5, almost 6 years since you spoke to each other? I know I may not have said the right things that day, but I do hope she comes, it wouldn't be right." I say and he nods in agreement.

"Yea, I hope she does."

Summer's P.O.V

Currently it is 3 in the morning, and I can't sleep, again. I'm tired of this stupid cycle of not sleeping, it sucks so much, and even worse, the day of my wedding? I don't want to fall asleep during my own ceremony!

"Summer, can't sleep?" Taylor asks with a grogginess to his voice, signaling he was asleep.

"I'm sorry, the medication doesn't work and-" I start rambling, and Taylor shuts me up with a kiss. I let myself sink into it, and he pulls away.

"Don't apologize for something you have no control over ok? I know, insomnia is difficult to deal with. Don't think you have to apologize for not being able to sleep, it's ok, and it doesn't make me love you any less, ok?" He whispers and I let tears fall from my eyes. Every day this man shows I can always love him even more than I did the previous day.

"I love you, so much. I can't wait to marry you." I say and he smiles.

"Me either, Summer, me either."


I get up, after having fallen asleep for a bit, maybe an hour, so that I can cook Taylor breakfast. He always does it for me, but today I want to do it for him. I grab the bacon, potatoes, and eggs from the fridge, and grab the bread from the pantry. I first fry the potatoes, and once those are done, I cook the bacon, taking out the 2 things that take the longest to cook. Once the bacon is finished cooking, I start to cook the eggs, putting the toast in the toaster and brewing some coffee. I don't plan to eat, I'm not that hungry, so I just eat strip of bacon.

"Mmm, what smells so good?" Taylor asks from behind me. I turn around to look at my future husband and grin.

"I wanted to make you some breakfast, because you always make it for me. I hope I did good." I say sheepishly, and he just smiles.

"You didn't have to do this, though I do appreciate it." He says and I give him a warm smile.

"Today's the day." I say excitedly.

"Yes, it is. C'mon, we need to go soon." He says and hurriedly gulps down his breakfast. After that, we head off to our room to get ready.


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