Part 11

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Taylor's P.O.V

I look at Summer Intently, waiting to hear his words. What information did he and Jayden have, and more importantly, since when do these two exchange secrets?

"Well here goes nothing." Summer mutters before looking at me, determination in his eyes. I feel Jayden's presence behind me, ready to do anything.

"Well, Taylor, I really have no right in saying this because of what I've done to you, between the physically harming you and the slurs I've said, I can't imagine the emotional toll that took on you and your already seemingly deteriorating mental health-" he starts but I let out a laugh.

"Yea, I know, it's been horrible, care to point out more flaws?" I say without thinking and immediately regret it.

"Sorry, continue."

"No, No it's ok, I kind of deserved that, and no, it isn't a flaw that your mental health isn't great right now, at least you can acknowledge it, if you wouldn't or couldn't then I would be worried." He says and that throws me off.

He would worry?

"As I was saying before, I hurt you, really badly, I recognize it, and I could blame it for me being ignorant, or for my grandparents teachings, which are drilled into my head, I can't just blame that, I blame myself for not really acknowledging that I'm wrong, that what I was taught was wrong, I could have denied it but I didn't, I accepted it, maybe because of resentment I have towards myself, maybe because of internalized homophobia-" he says but I cut him off once again, I should stop, that's what messed up my last relationship, I don't want to fuck this one up as well.

"Sorry for interrupting, but what are you saying?" I ask, and he hesitates before a calm wave washes over him and he speaks.

"I'm gay, Taylor, I have always been gay, or at the very least I realized it when I was younger. I guess my grandparents figured it out so they drilled me with so many homophobic teachings, but I'm gay, and Taylor, I like you, the way Jayden says you like me." He says, and my mind is caught in a whirlwind of emotions, Jayden being forgotten behind me.

He's gay?! HE'S GAY?!


"Wait wait hold up, you said you're gay? What brought your sudden confession?" I ask him, and he takes a deep breath before continuing.

"Me and my mother don't have the best relationship, and I always thought she was homophobic, so I could never be out to her, but when I was in the hospital, she said she didn't care, it's my grandparents who care, but I don't see them except once a year, so I don't care what they say anymore. As for the sudden confession, well, after you stopped Jayden from, you know, killing me, I reflected back on it. Why would he save me? I was so rude to him, so annoying, so bitter, so full of hate, all towards him, and he received it every day from me, so why would he save me? Then that question morphed into a thought for me, I knew I was gay but never accepted it, I knew I liked guys but never acted on it, but with you, being so confident, funny, and don't take shit from anyone, I fell, I fell for you."


Summer's P.O.V

There it is, I told him exactly how I felt. I'm hoping it's not too late to fix the damage I caused.

"So, to confirm, you like me? like actually like me? I'm not some experiment to fool around with, to see what you like and then thrown away when you're bored?" He asks me, looking away, and that's when I see it. He's scared, scared of being left alone, scared of truly letting himself feel.

Why fall for the straight boy? BXBWhere stories live. Discover now