Part 7

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Summer's P.O.V

When I gain conscience, I only have one question on my mind.

Why did he stop him?

Why would he stop Jayden from beating me to a pulp? I cursed him, beat him, humiliated him, why would he save me? Why would the gay guy save the homophobic straight guy?

"Summer!" I hear my mother say and I mentally groan.

"Yes mother? What is it?" I ask her, just to get her off my back.

"Who did it? We are pressing charges against the people who did this to you!" She says, tears falling out her eyes. It's all an act because we're in public, at home though, she wouldn't give a shit about what happens to me. She became cold, dead towards me, after dad died. He died from a car crash, not his fault. The driver was a hit and run, so I have no clue to get dad justice. Just then I notice that the nurses left.

"Drop the act Melissa, the nurses are gone." I say rather harshly, not ashamed of my tone, after all, my mom died when my father died.

"Finally, I hate having to cry, it messes up my makeup." She rolls her eyes, before pulling out a mirror to re apply some mascara.

"Why are you here? Go back to work, and fuck your boss for your entertainment, I can handle myself." I tell her, rolling my eyes as I move them away so I don't have to see her anymore.

"Shut up, you know I can't leave until I sign you out, your release forms." She said., wishing she could be anywhere else but here, I honestly wish the same.

"Melissa, what do you feel on gay people?" I blurt out, not even thinking another second.

"Well I don't care, i fuck my boss who's married, why should I judge?" She says nonchalantly as if fucking her married boss is a normal thing to do.

News flash, it isn't.

"Well then why make me believe gay people are an abomination?" I ask her, needing answers now.

"I never did, I just taught you religion and shit because your grandmother wanted to make sure you knew gay people were wrong, I could care less." She says while applying her lipstick.

"Leave, I'll call someone else to sign my forms, just tell the doctors someone else has the authority to sign my release forms." I mutter, not wanting to see my mothers face anymore.

"Fine by me." She agrees, calling the doctor so she can give the authority. After the doctor agrees, my mother leaves, which leaves me to call someone.

"Hello?" He says over the phone.


Taylor's P.O.V

"Hello?" I answer the phone using my headphones, so I don't see who called me.

"Fa-I mean Taylor, can you help me out?" Summer says over the phone, and I shiver at the sound of his voice, who knows how long he's been awake, but he still sounds so good- wait what am I saying? He bullies me!

"W-what do you need?" I stutter and I mentally face palm myself.

So much for appearing stoic.

"Well my mother can't sign me out of the hospital, and I need someone to sign me out, do you think you could get anyone to sign out for me?" He asks, and I just stand there, in the middle of the sidewalk, questioning whether to help him or not.

"Ok, um yea sure, I'll be right over." I tell him, and with that I hang up.

Fake I.D that Evelyn gave me so we could go to the bar don't fail me now!

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