together and apart

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Their laughs echoed into the night sky as they ran through the streets. The rain poured against their skin and drenched them until they were shivering. It was peaceful; they were at peace.

Time stood still as they stood together, the rain falling around them and forcing others away. They locked eyes and just took in the wonder tucked away inside of them. A world of hope in one, a sea of misery in the other.

They clung to each other. Their bodies were drawn to one another by some force as they stood trembling. The hidden fire within them escaped the clutches of the storm and encompassed them, overpowering the chills.

Two new souls. Two old souls. Both reborn, only to meet again.

They sat quietly then. Propped up against a used bookstore and watching as people ran up and down the streets, eager to escape the harsh pitter-patter.

Some people relished in the warmth of restaurants or the burning heat provided by the strongest of alcohol. Harry and Louis simply laughed as they held each other again.

To any passerby, they looked like two boys huddling for warmth. To the boys, they were sharing their deepest of secrets and exchanging the most meaningful of words.

They never spoke it. They showed it in their subconscious guiding hands and the looks that were so full of raw emotion. It was in the way they danced through the streets and embraced each other in the rain.

Hope and Misery joined lips and sent each other spiralling. Misery pulled Hope down while Hope brought Misery up. They met in the middle and let their passion tell their stories.

They were never one without the other. Where Hope went, Misery followed.

It was never a question of "where to next?" It was never "please stay." They were always one. Always on the same page, turning together as the chapter changed.

They were in love.

So deep in love that it drowned them, and they parted ways, soon to meet again.

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