take a break

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Louis was tired. He was exhausted, and his edges were slowly ripping at the seams. He was tired of speaking, of people, and trying to please everybody every single day. He was tired of the constant attention he needed to give out, and he just wanted to be alone.

It was growing infuriating to have everyone ask if he was alright because he seemingly wasn't himself. He was fine. He wasn't sad, and nothing was going on with him. He just wanted to be alone. If that meant he was more reserved than usual, and that he locked himself in his room more than he used to, there shouldn't have been an issue. He just wanted to recharge his social battery. That's all he was doing.

Harry didn't see it like that. He studied Louis, always ready to spark up a conversation or ask about his day. Convinced something was wrong, he offered him abundances of food and spoke with him whenever he could. He didn't notice the tears welling up in Louis' eyes every time they interacted.

And Louis tried not to snap. He understood it wasn't fair to Harry. But he was like a ticking time bomb. His emotions were welling up inside of him, and it was killing him, having to clench his jaw whenever he walked by. The toll it took on his body to plaster the smallest smile on his face weighed him down every day. So, inevitably, he snapped.

He burst into tears as he yelled at Harry and slammed his door shut. His pain-filled shouts grew louder as he pictured his confused boyfriend on the other side of the door. Harry had been nothing but kind to him, and there he was sobbing on the floor.

Harry didn't know what to do. Louis never spoke about his feelings; he was always the one to check on others. People flocked to him with their troubles, and he helped them through everything. He dealt with people ignoring him and not telling him why before they returned to his life as if nothing had happened. He smiled and nodded as the people he cared about most disregarded his issues to talk about his own. Harry guessed that was why he gave up talking about it. That's why he was crying alone in their bedroom.

He did, however, understand needing time. So he situated himself on the floor and waited for Louis to calm down.

And eventually, he did. Harry heard the door click and shifted so his boyfriend could lean against his chest. They stayed like that, Harry threading his fingers through Louis' hair, and Louis sinking into Harry's embrace.

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