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(This entire chapter is heavily based on a scene from 'The Dark Knight Rises')

Harry steps into the room, and confidence radiates off of him. He flashes his signature grin to the people around him as he makes his way through the crowded ballroom. Worn-out billionaires and eligible females flock to him in an attempt to strike up a conversation. Harry ignores them and focuses his eyes on a petit man with an hourglass figure.

"Excuse me, could I cut in?"

The man raises an eyebrow as Harry leads him away from his previous partner. Harry places his hands on the slim waist before grinning.

"Louis, I'm not surprised to see you here."

Louis smirks. "All these rich people? I couldn't pass up the opportunity."

"I see you still have my watch," Harry points out.

"Doesn't it look lovely? Really brings out my eyes."

Harry hums in response and watches as Louis observes the people around them. His blue eyes dart throughout the room, only pausing to smile at a shiny piece of jewelry.

"Who was your date?"

"His husband's in Ibiza," Louis starts, mispronouncing Ibiza." He left his diamonds behind, though. He's worried they might get stolen."

"It's pronounced Ibiza. Wouldn't want anyone here to know you're a thief, not a social climber," Harry states as the two boys continue to dance.

Louis scoffs, "You think I care what anyone in this room thinks about me?"

"I don't think you care what anyone in any room thinks of you."

"Oh, don't condescend me, Mr. Styles."

Harry laughs and spins Louis around. Louis tips his head back to whisper in Harry's ear, "Let's talk about you then. If I'm pretending to be someone I'm not, who are you pretending to be?"

"Harry Styles, eccentric billionaire."

"Yes, and we're pretending there's not something else going on down there aside from your wallet," Louis comments before Harry whirls him around again.

"If you weren't so frustrating, I might actually like you."

Louis pouts, "You hurt me."

"You're fine."

"I'm fine," Louis repeats, his eyes flitting to Harry's lips.

The pair sway silently as the bodies around them engage in heavy conversation. Harry keeps his eyes on Louis' wrist, and Louis drags his fingers along Harry's shoulder.

"Do you need something?"

"You're the one that wanted to dance with me," Louis mutters as he leans forward, "Next time, don't bother."

Louis presses his lips to Harry's and digs his nails into his hip. Harry freezes and drops his hand off Louis' waist. The boy with the hourglass figure steps away and saunters off towards the exit, not looking back.

"You scared him off!"

Harry ignores the enraged man beside him and smirks, "Unlikely."

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