sk8er boi

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Louis liked to skate. He would wake up early to have the park to himself and, he would stay late at night to ride the ramps until his legs gave out.

Since starting at the age of 12, Louis grew attached to his board. It went with him everywhere, often his principal source of transportation.

He prided himself on his "skater" attire- the tank tops and the Vans, but he really did hate those baggy pants. Upon arriving at his second home, he usually ignored the eyes of disgust at his skinny jeans. He revelled in the attention. His tattoos and permanent grin brought intrigued eyes that outweighed the revulsion.


Harry liked ballet. He would wake up early to arrive at his dance studio with enough time to practice before class. After his evening classes, he would offer to lock up, eager to perfect his routines. Ballet had grown part of Harry, everything about it drawing him in from the start. Fixing his loose curls into a tight, pristine bun allowed him to focus, and tugging on his tights let him feel happy and free.

Just the thought of prepping and moving into a double pirouette boosted his spirits and made him long to execute it. Stretching on the bar and preparing for his grand jeté sent adrenaline rushing through his body. Ballet was his safe space, something he could never imagine living apart from.


Harry delicately pulls his shoes off and tucks them neatly into his bag. Black tights follow them swiftly as he tugs his jeans on. Sighing as he lets his hair down, Harry waves goodbye to his instructor and exits the studio.

The wind is forgiving and sends silent waves through Harry's hair. Out of habit, he runs a hand through it and smiles as there aren't any knots. He continues down the street and slows as he takes in the obscene shouting coming from his right.

The skatepark is bustling with energy, crowds of people encouraging each other and letting out the occasional insult. Harry watches as someone stumbles before crashing onto the ground. A person with green hair breaks out of a group and rushes towards them, wrapping them tightly in their arms. They stay there for a moment, and Harry can see the relief in both of their eyes when they stand.

Content, Harry steps past the park and grins as the noise kicks back up again.


Louis watches silently as Zayn and Liam move towards him. The green-haired boy sets Liam down on the bench beside Louis and frowns.

"Are you sure you're alright, Li?"

Liam nods and smiles, reaching his arms out towards his boyfriend. Zayn lets his face relax and presses a kiss to Liam's forehead. Louis rolls his eyes and picks his board up from where it's resting on the ground.

"I'm heading home. Are you still down for 4?"

Zayn keeps his eyes on Liam as he nods. This prompts Louis to slap the top of his head before leaving. Ignoring Zayn's glare burning into his back, Louis skates towards the sidewalk, weaving his way throughout the growing amount of people.

His trip is cut short as a boy with wavy brown hair appears in front of him. Hastily averting his eyes off of the pavement, he puts his foot down. The boy stops and turns to face Louis, who is bending over to grab his board.

"Is it safe to say you almost ran me over?"

Louis scoffs. "I wouldn't have run you over."

"I'd argue that you would have."

Rolling his eyes, Louis falls into step with the taller boy. He tries to ignore his frame, but his eyes keep darting towards it. It would seem that his eyes are betraying him.

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