Chapter 20

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(Hi peeps won't bother you :3)

*Bryans POV*

We are walking towards the destroyed guild hall at the moment, kay and
lo pho are infront, bri behind us and jakey and me are in the middle, i looked at my surroundings, i noticed that some parts were dead, i can kinda understand that to be honest-

b= bryan k= kay j=jakey l=lo pho br= bri

J. So what's you're world like?

B.well to be honest
it looks a lot
like yours but then
all the destruction-

K. Without? Destruction?-

B. YUP well barely at least-


B. Eh?

K. The destruction is
fun, you can do what
you want now-

As soon as kay said that we all turned around- i mean destruction is no fun, and kay would never say it is-

J. Ok who the frick are you?

K. What do you mean?

Br. You know what we
Mean and what did
You do with the real

??. Fine you caught me
But what are you gonna
Do about it? Hit me?

B. What did you do to

??. Thats for me a know
And for you to find out.

L. Give us kay back right

??. Why would i? I mean
Its more fun to see you
Guys like this you should
See you're faces right now

B. Don't make me repeat

??. Wait bryan? Didn't you
Get killed by HIM?

J. Who are you and
How do you know

the person took off their hood and mask, we could see clearly who it was now, even though i don't recall her the others do i guess?

all -b. MANIA?!

M. Hey guys :3

B. You guys know her?

M. What do you mean
You know me I'm the
Girl that came from
Another dimension to
Warn you guys about
The dragon war remember?

B. Nope don't recall you
But anyways where
The frick is kay and
Why did you kidnap
Her anyways if she's
You're friend?-

M. Meh i don't know it
Was her idea not mine-
She gave me her hoodie
And wanted me to act
Like her so she could
See you're reactions-

Br. How did she even find
You in the first place?-

M. Well the others and
Me were hunting close by
And she saw us and ran up
To us and you guys didn't
Notice it and walked furter-

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