chapter 8

722 20 8

(Well you guys are lucky :3)

*Bryans POV*

I dont knoe who these people are but they dont seem pretty nice, i thought they were still looking at me in shock, shadow and blossom started to look around for ways to escape the best in, i started to growl at the 3 people,
"so so so a fire dragon slayer it has been a long time since ive seen one"
i looked behind the 3 people a older man came walking out of the shadows, blossom winked at me apparently they were heading towards the way we came from, the man signed to the other 3 people, they came running at me i didnt know what to do, i started running after blossom and shadow, i catched up with them after a few mins, the people were still after us, shadow tripped over a rock, i saw this and turnes around and ran towards him to help him up, the people started to catch up with us, i picked up shadow and ran with him towards blossom wich was waiting for us, i ran as fast as i could but got out of breath very quikly, i asked shadow if he could run by himself, he nodded i put him down on his feet, i gave them a head start and gave our LITTLE friends a few obstacles, i quikly ran after blossom and shadow wich dissapeared out of my sight, it took me a while to find them again
"so where are we going?"
I asked them they seem startled when i asked that,
"we are going home mom and dad are probaly there"
, yeah i guess i said, i ran with them back to the house, when we arrived we locked the doors and closed the windows and the blinds, when the parents of blossom and shadow heard us come in they rushed towards us,
"Omg my kiddos"
mira came running towards us and hugged us tightly,
"mom we are being followed"
blossom said,
"wait what happend why?"
"well we might or might have not saved a dragon-"
i said to mira and mike- they didnt look mad, they looked more suprised and proud,
"i mean why is that a bad thing?"
Mira said to me,
"well there were these 3 people, they took it out of the air, and it looked like they were about it kill it, we saved it but those people tried attacking us, but bryan went into his dragon form, and he scared them, then suddently a elder man came out of the shadows so blossom and me went to look for a way out, when we found one and signed to bryan that we were going, then we ran and bryan followed, but those dudes started following us too, then we decided to go here but we dont know if their here or not-" mira and mike looked suprised they were about to say something when we heard a knock on the door- shadow blossom and i jumped a little,"kids go hide upstairs" we all nodded and when we were upstairs they opened the door....

"Oh hello can i help you guys?"
Mira said make was on the background listening to the conversation.
"Yeah we are looking for 3 children"
One of the people said.
"Do yoi have a discription cus i have alot of children that come here everyday"
Mira said lying so hard-
"Well one of them has brown/red hair (male) and red eyes, the other 2 are a female and a male, black hair light blue eyes, they looked around the 12 years"
The other man said,
"Well i havent seen them but i did saw people run towards the city, i mean not many people come around here so maby they were the ones youre looking for?"
Mira lied once again she didnt sound like she was lying and she stayee very polite-
"Oke thank you miss for youre help"
The elder man said,
"Oh no problem"
Mira said with a smile,
After the people went away we stayed upstairs and were talking about what just had happend- mira came upstairs mins later, she looked into our room didnt say anything but smiled at us, after that she left and went into the laundry room, i still dont know why those people were so suprised to see me, but i know one thing, i hope ill never see them again.

*time skip 13 years*
(Sorry for long time skip but i like to talk about the future more before i forget it)

*Bryans POV*

Well today its the day.....

Im ganna try to apply to the
Protectors guild
shadow and blossom told me alot about it when we were younger......
Im still sad that they all dissapeared 9 years ago, still trying to find my parents murdere, and i am still trying to fins mira mike shadow and blossom, they just dissapeared one day and havent seen them ever since, maby these people can help me find them, well its worth a try right?
I went inside aftee building enough confidence, when i got inside... i saw some people i havent seen in years!

(Btw they met at school if you dont remember look trough the chapters again i think it was chapter 2 or 3)

In the middle of the room were standing kay and jakey, they didnt change a bit if i hear them talk, maby only that jakey didnt stutter as much,
"Uuuh- am i late?"
I smiled at them and they all stared at me, i put my hand in my neck,
"No you are just in time"
I looked around to see a kat standing behind me with a big axe thingy-
I smiled "ok good!"
"Go talk to some others while we prepear stuff"
Said the women behing the desk
"Of course miss"
I smiled and walkee over to jakey and kay,
"Soooo how have you guys been?"
I said with a smile,
"W-wait b-bryan?
Jakey said-
Kay shouted!
I chuckled
"Everywhere and no whete gurl"
I laughed about it, jakey and kay laughed along, until we were cut off by the women she called all of us over to the desk and started to talk.

To be honest i felt.....

Like something was......


I dont know why but i didnt feel comfortble anymore...

(END OF DA CHAPTER 8 PEEPS i brought it out earlier then i self espected to be honest :3 hope you enjoyed this chapter see you in the next one)

1113 words used

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