chapter 5

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(Sup not ganna bore yall with my talking this time enjoy)

*dragons POV*

I-i cant believe he actually agreed- i mean who wouldve thought that i would train a kid?... meh anyways i guess its time to teach him, i see power in his eyes, he really wants this i guess then.... well kid lets get to train shall we?


thats what i like to hear i said with a smile, after that we trained days and days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, i saw him grow stronger and stronger trought the months, i dont know how this kid keeps up with all of this but he is doing it, im happy for him that he gets a second chance.... sadly i cant teach him much more then this....


i heard him scream and i looked at him he had...?


Uuuh- kid how did you do that?

"I-i dont know.."

Well dont worry its not a bad thing, its just that i was suprised you already unlocked that form, i looked at him with a smile... i grabbed the sword i made for him weeks ago.... i gave it to him, this is a great weapon a strong weapon a weapon that i almost impossible to break.

"Woowwww this looks so awesome!"

He started waving it around i couldmt helo but chuckle about it, he noticed that and started laughing.....

This kid.....

Is gonna be the future of all dragons

*Bryans POV*

Mr.dragon gave me a fricking awesome sword, IT LOOKS SO AMAZING, but its very heavy tho... BUT I WILL GROW STRONGER AND PROTECT EVERYONE!
i noticed that mr.dragon started to chuckle, so i started to laugh with him, he looked at me with joy in his eyes, i had never seen him like that before but it felt AMAZING to see him like that, i started training with my sword.

*time skip 2:30 hours*

*Bryans POV*

OH its time for me to go home mr.dragon!

"Oh yeah i see lets get you u-"

Before he could finish his sentence i already flew up on my own, he looked at me in amazement, i looked back down and said goodbye to mr.dragon and went on my way home

*Dragons POV*

Heh...... this kid, i didnt have the time to warn him about all the dangers coming his way..... i hope he will be fine... i cant do anymore for him....

Its time for me to go......

*Bryans POV*

Well i found some wolfs on the way home, they were nice for some reason, they didnt attack me one even let me pet him, it felt amazing, i chuckled and went furter on my way home, the wolfs stopped by the tree line, i waved at them and ran to the city....

Not knowing what was waiting for me....

*Still Bryans POV*

I smelled smoke when i was close to my house.... i walked a little furter to see....THE HOUSE! It was on fire! I dropped my bag and ran towards the house, i tried putting out the fire but i wasnt strong enough, so i ran inside....
MOM?!?!?! DAD?!?!
i ran around the house it was still on fire..... i could barely see anything..... but i didnt give up and kept looking for my parents... here and there i put out a small fire...... i coughed and coughed because i couldnt actually breath because of the smoke.... i suddendly felt very light in my head and before i could do anything everything went black.....




*time skip bought by WulfyDreams_htppx_*

*5 hours later*

Ngh...... as soon as i opened my eyes i heard people talk.... i looked around me and saw two people standing in the room.... i didnt recognize them, i looked around more to realise i didny recognize the room either...

Where am i?...

The two people looked at me and ran towards me...


°quite the nap you took there buddy°

Wha?- what do you mean i asked? I looked at them confused... then i realised what just had happend... i shot up.. WHERE ARE THEY?!?!

"Oh geez kiddo please lay back down you're only ganna hurt yourself even more....°

°calm down kid you just woke up you should be resting°

NO NONONONO where are they!?!?..

Where are my parents?........

I started coughing... probaly still of the smoke in my lungs... the woman sat next to me on the bed and instep on my back... she noticed that i was still very weak and tired... she put me back down and i was fighting to keep my eyes open....

"Please calm down kiddo.... we will tell you after you have rested, you are still weak and tired from the fire...."

°i swear kid you're only ganna get yourself with this if you dont rest..... i mean your lungs are probaly still full of smoke from the fire°

.....i stayed quite.....
I stopped fighting back to keep my eyes open... i let them rest and i fell asleep within seconds...

"How are we ganna tell him....?"

°i-i dont know.... poor thing...°


900 words used

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