Chapter 43- 'Stop avoiding the question you giant Dildo!'

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A/N: So because I have made you wait two weeks, i wrote you this long ass chapter so appreciate it people! It was 17 pages on Word. 

Thank you to sheslovely for the awesome banner! i love it and the quote you chose!


I literally hunted high and low for the bank robbing imbecile.

I mean I went to his house, he wasn’t there. I went to the bar, he wasn’t there. I went to Jimmy’s house, he wasn’t there. I almost went to the freaking strip club but I took a shot in the dark and guessed he wouldn’t be there.

Although most Saturday nights that would be where he and the guys would end up.

Sick fucks.

Anyway, it was now dark. I had been looking everywhere for him. I had to tell Lacey I wouldn’t be back for a while, even though she was already at my house. Nate will love that, go home after a hard shift and find the girl he’s been lusting over sat on the sofa in the free house, yet he’s too much of a proud man to give in.

It’s like waving a sandwich in front of a handcuffed fat kid. A little cruel to be honest.

But I was determined to find him.

I couldn’t believe Drake. After everything that happened, everything that he told me and what is he doing?

Robbing banks. The boy was basically begging to get sent back inside at this rate. I mean he’s been out of prison a few months; he’s still on probation technically. If the stupid moron even litters there’s a risk of him getting locked up again. So what does he do?

Rob a freaking bank.

I was going to choke him.

After I literally looked everywhere and came out with nothing, I decided to just return back to his house and wait for him to get back. That was the only thing I could do because he wasn’t picking up his phone. In the last month he had basically dropped off the map anyway, none of the guys saw him that much because he was always ‘busy’.

I’m sure being the next John Dillinger does take up a lot of your time.

I knocked on his door again and asked his mum if it was okay if I waited. She seemed a little hesitant at first because she didn’t know how long he would be, but I think she gave in because she wanted someone else to be here when he got home.

The genuine fear she had of her own son did make sense now I knew the full story, but there was a part of me that still wanted to slap the ungrateful bitch. Drake did what he did for her. He ruined his life to protect his mum. I admit he went too far, but it was all for her.

And she shows her gratitude by treating him like Ted Bundy was renting a room out in her house.

I sat on his bed, and I waited. Half an hour went by, then an hour.

It was reaching the two hour mark when I finally heard his laughter echo through the house, as well as someone else’s. Finally, I had drained my phone about 20 minutes ago playing Angry Birds I was so bored.

Hearing him laugh made my blood boil even more. How could he laugh? He held up a freaking bank less than 8 hours ago and here he is now, having a good old chuckle.

His bedroom door opened, and in he walked. A massive grin on his face as he was laughing at something the guy said who walked in after him.

As soon as his eyes landed on me on the bed, his laughter died like Jimmy Saville’s career in 2012.

I glared at him, my jaw clenched. I could see the guy next to him look over curiously, a small smirk on his face as he thought a girl waiting for Drake on his bed meant good things for Drake’s penis. Little did he know, the mood I was in right now I was going to put Drake’s dick through a Hostel remake more than a porn one.

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