Chapter 21- 'All it takes is a bag of cheese balls to say I love you.'

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I push the asshole against the door, causing him to fall through it. He managed to stay on his feet, still clinging onto the beer in his hand as he let out a laugh.

I stepped into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me and turning to him with a glare.

He smirked at me deviously “Have I done something to upset you Mimi?”

I gritted my teeth together, my fists clenched at my sides “What the hell was that about fingers of fury?!”

His lip twitched at the name, before he looked at me innocently “Oh, you didn’t like that?”

My eyes widened in anger before I stepped forward and shoved him again.

“I was next to Garry you slut!” I screamed at him, still not believing the stunt he pulled earlier while we were playing that damned game.

“For a chick you’re freakishly strong…” He muttered, taking a massive swig of his beer. He looked up at me with a sloppy grin “Wanna’ arm wrestle?”

I clenched my jaw, realising just how drunk Drake was right now. I had left it a while to confront him from when he started touching me up on the sofa, and in that time everyone had given up on the game and started on shots and other drinking games.  I could hear the music coming from downstairs and the Hilton twins giggling. Jimmy and Luke were singing along to Chris Brown, and I was well aware that all of my friends, and the plastic duo, were freaking wasted.

I probably should have confronted Drake when he wasn’t a tequila shot away from passing out.

“Seriously Drake, what the hell was that about?!” I almost growl at him.

He sighs in frustration, waving his hand dismissively at me but ‘cause he was so wasted his arm swung a little more than it should have. I resisted the urge to laugh.

“Jeez Mia, I was only fooling around. I know how worked up you get when I hit on you. It amuses me.” He slurred, chuckling to himself.

“Yes but that wasn’t hitting on someone. Take away my shorts and you would have been full on fingering me you moron!” I yell at him, trying to make him realise why I was so angry.

Of course, he grinned at this “Wanna’ take the shorts off then?”

I grabbed one of the decorative sea shells on the sink and threw it at him, which he surprisingly dodged and chuckled.

“Don’t ever do it again.” My voice was almost a snarl.

He looked at me, his grin gone and he was serious now. He took a step towards me, swaying slightly as the alcohol was having a massive impact on his decisions right now.

“I was only joking around Mimi. I like getting you all worked up.” His voice came out husky, and I didn’t miss the double meaning of his last remark. He took another step to me until he was so close our faces were inches apart. He cocked his head and gave me a small smile “You’re Mia. You’re Nate’s little sister. I should never go there…and I never will.”

I don’t know why but I felt a pang of something in my stomach as I heard him say this, but I quickly realised it must be relief because that was exactly what I had been thinking since the whole pool table thing.

I nodded, realising I seriously needed to back away “Good. I’m glad we agree on that then. We’re just friends.” My voice didn’t quite come out as confidently as I’d hoped.

He had somehow gotten even closer; his mouth was slightly parted as his eyes we’re staring at my mouth.

“Whatever you say.” His voice came out low. Seductive.

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