Fixing Draco's Mistake/Ending

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Draco chased after Harry, barely catching up with him in time to stop him.

"Harry!", he called out, out of breath. "I swear it's not what you think!", he said hastily, but Harry did not believe him. "Oh really? So Greengrass didn't just basically propose to you?! Congratulations Malfoy! You've made an absolute fool out of me! To think I actually believed that you would give me a chance, but it turns out that you just wanted to humiliate me!" Harry cried as he started to walk away again, but Draco grabbed his wrist before he could.

"Why would I chase after you if I wanted to humiliate you? I'm telling you, it's a misunderstanding. Yes Greengrass likes me, she's been obsessed by me for years, but that doesn't mean that I like her back! I just rejected her and told her to back off, then ran after you to make sure you knew that I don't like her" Draco explained, but Harry was as dense as ever "But why would you do that? I mean, she's a very pretty girl, why would you turn her down just to make sure I didn't think you liked her?", he asked.

"I thought it was obivous by now. I went to all that trouble because I like you too. I want to give this a try. I want to give us a try" Draco said before grabbing Harry's tie and pulling him close. He then closed the small remaining space between them and intertwined their lips.

It was a gentle, passionate, kiss that marked the start of a new beginning for the two of them.

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