Receiving A Letter

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   The next morning Draco woke with a start. He had to send the letter. Then it would make it to Harry just in time for breakfast. Draco got up and retrieved the letter from his desk. He then proceeded to give it to his owl nervously. Today's going to be one hell of a day.

   Harry was just finishing up his breakfast when the mail came. He was surprised to see that he had gotten a letter. Who sent it? There was only one way to find out. So Harry opened the letter and read:

Dear Harry,
Meet me in the Astronomy Tower at 11:00pm. I want to talk about what happened. If you don't come I'll assume it was a prank, and to just forget about it.


P.s. Sorry for avoiding you

   He immediately realized who this was from and what it was about. He glanced over at the Slytherin table to see a blushing Draco Malfoy staring at him. He smirked at Draco then proceeded to give him a nod so he knew that Harry would come and that it wasn't a prank.

  Draco blushed even more then looked down, suddenly very interested in the wooden table before him.

  Harry had to admit, it was quite cute how flustered Draco gets.

   He shoved the letter in his robes and joined in on the conversation his two friends were having about wether or not apparating was the same as the muggle idea of teleporting.

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