Astronomy Tower

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   It was 10:30 and both boys were freaking out.

   Draco was screaming at Pansy, his best friend and the only one who knew about what was going on between him and Harry, about his outfit and almost hyperventilated three times.

While Harry was pacing around the common room, alone because he hadn't told anyone about his predicament yet, thinking of what to say to Draco.

Finally, Draco made it to the Astronomy Tower and waited. However, while Harry was on his way, someone else was too.

Suddenly, Draco heard footsteps. He thought that it was Harry, that he was early, but when he turned around he saw something completely different.

It was Aristora Greengrass. His friend who had a massive crush on him and wanted to be his betrothed. She walked up to him and stood beside him.

Then she said "It really was a task to find you, you know? I was looking everywhere for you." Draco replied "Well then why try? What do you even need, Greengrass?" She looked shock at his tone before continuing excitedly "Well, I talked to your father. As you know, I like you, so I asked him if he would support our engagement, and he said that I was a perfectly suitable partner for you. He said that, if you approved, he would be glad to give us his blessing."

Then Draco heard it. The sound of hurried footsteps and crying. He immediately knew who it was. Harry must have heard her. He must think that Draco set him up to break his heart! Draco quickly said "Well I don't approve! How many time do I have to say it for it to sink into that thick skull of yours! I DON'T LIKE YOU, and I definitely don't want to spend the rest of my life with you!", before running after Harry.

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