A Small Closet

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    For the rest of the week and the next week Harry continued to do his tie as badly as he could. And Draco just had to take the bait, he couldn't stand looking at it. Draco would pull Harry into deserted classrooms when he saw him in the halls and fix his tie. Every time Draco did this Harry left the room saying thanks and feeling very satisfied.

   Today Harry went on with his new routine and got dressed then did his tie sloppily. Today however, when Draco pulled him into the nearest deserted "classroom" it wasn't a classroom, but instead a tiny broom closet. When Draco pulled Harry in and started to fix his tie, their bodies were pressed together. Draco stopped when he realized this and blushed then shyly continued to fix Harry's tie. Harry was blushing too at the new found closeness, but not of embarrassment, of happiness and the heat of the situation. All Harry wanted to do was push Draco against the wall and snog him fiercely and with passion, but Harry didn't do that because he was afraid of scaring Draco off.

   When Draco was finished and tried to leave Harry stopped him. What was he doing?! Harry pulled Draco back to him, and Draco wondered 'What is he doing... And why am I excited about it...' Their bodies were pressed together again. Harry spoke "I... I just wanted to say... I don't want to act like enemies... We obviously aren't. Can... Can we be friends?" Draco was shocked but happy. He replied "S-sure
... I-i'd like that." And smiled shyly but sweetly.

   With that they left both happy with what had happened. Harry to his dorm and Draco to his. Harry and Draco both knew that they wouldn't get any sleep that night.

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