Planning from the future Mrs.Ootori

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I bit on my lip nervously as I thought about the theme. It should be a really good one. Something elegant, yet, fun. What could be elegant but fun? Hmm. I looked around the room and my eyes landed on the twins. They were slouched on the sofa together looking down. They look so sad sometimes for evil devil boys. This fair means a lot to them this year because they're with friends. They've never had that really. In OHSHC, they make a big deal when it came to the fair because they wanted everyone to stay a family. Suddenly the image of them sitting on the bench in the winter time with the little girl and them crying because she couldn't tell them apart crossed my mind.

"That's it! Winter!" I cried out feeling proud of myself. Everyone gave me a confused look. I smiled and stood up. I patted the twins on the head and turned back to everyone again. "Winter, you know like,everything will be white and beautiful. We'll have crystal chandeliers, hand crafted diamond snowflakes. Our tables will have cloths on them that shall be as white and sparkly as snow when it ices over. The floors will be dusted with white sparkles. Also we're going to need a winter carriage being pulled by beautiful white geldings!" Kyoya shifted in his seat. He was obviously thinking about how much money that was going to be costing us. Tamaki came out from his corner and raised his hand. I rolled my eyes and called on him.

"What about costumes?" He asked with a shaky voice. Oh. I hadn't thought of that yet. There was a loud boom and the floor started to turn.

"Renge, if you come out and try to pick costumes, ill beat you so hard your great grandchildren will feel it." The floor reversed and went back to normal. Haruhi went pale while I just grinned at Kyoya. He shook his head and smiled.

"Hey senpai, why did you pat our heads?" The twins asked in unison. I sat on the table and crossed my legs.

"Oh no reason spawns of Satan, just, you're being good right now is all." I lied and giggled. They rolled their eyes.

"How about if its elegant yet winter, snow outfits...Then maybe a winter ball costume to end with?" Haruhi suggested. I froze and turned to her. That was actually a brilliant idea! I jumped off the table. I winced slightly from pain but brushed it off. I hugged Haruhi. She smiled and hugged me back.

"Incredible Haruhi! That's a wonderful idea! That's daddies smart girl!" Tamaki cooed. Haruhi scowled at him. I took my shoe off and smacked him with it.

"Stop being such a baka!" I screeched. Tamaki pouted and ran away to hide. I rolled my eyes at him. I looked over to Kyoya who had his phone and computer out. I bent over and kissed his head. While he does that alone for the moment, I could have the twins come up with the outfits for everyone. "Hikaru, Kaoru, Can i work out outfits with you guys? Then, Sweetie and Takashi do you think you two could manage the treats? As for Haruhi, um, let me think about that one. Tamaki, I need you to handle music, think you can manage that?" Tamaki came out of his emo corner and nodded. He gave a smile that i included him but it looked a bit sad. Where had I seen him smile like that.. hmm.


I sat in a bubble bath Kyoya had drawn up for me because he thought I was stressing, when in reality, I was freaking out. Not about the plans for the fair, but for after the fair. What happens when the fair ends? Is Raingi and I going home? Does the world continue on? What happens exactly?

"I hate this" I mumbled and sunk low in the bubbles. I'm trying so hard not to think about this, and focus on the fair, but I can't shake the thoughts away.

"Everything okay Koy?" Raingi asked from outside the door. I told her to come in. She did with a cup of tea and set it beside me. "What's wrong?" She knew me too well. I sighed and sunk even lower in the water. Her eyes grew wide. "Are you thinking about the end?" I let out a loud sob and covered my face with my hands. Thinking about it, and hearing it out loud had different tolls on me.

Sucked Into The Manga (Book one) Ouran HighSchool Host ClubWhere stories live. Discover now