Chapter 19

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~Done For Me~


I look at him in shock. "But Candace said she was dead," I say so fucking confused right now.

"SHE WHAT" he yells at me which makes me jump. He then looks at me and calms down. "She's dangerous Kehlani, hurry were leaving," he says and turns around.

"No," I said with all the courage I had left in me. He will not sit here and boss me around after he just slapped me and tied me up. He turns back around and gives me death looks. I gulp as I get scared. He gets closer to me and gently grabs my towel that is tightly clutched to my body. He brings me closer to him.

"Or I will do it myself," he says with anger. I laugh so loud and pushed him off of me. "Go fuck yourself Kilo" he smirks walks out and slamming the door. I sigh in relief and run to the door to lock it. I stop. How the hell did he get here in the first place. I look on the counter and see keys.

He just changed his mood so quick it's sick. He should go see a doctor about that.

I roll my eyes and get dressed. I can't believe that girl might be Kilos ex. I say might because he could be lying. But her story makes sense. A mafia man trying to kill her. I could only think of Kilo. But I'm not sure if he's in the mafia. I hope he's not because I will leave him without a doubt I will fucking leave and never look back.

He knocks on the door telling me to hurry up. I open the door and he snatches the keys from my hand.

He walks off grabbing the suitcases.

I stood there. He didn't hear my heels clicking so he turned around. "The fuck are you waiting for" he drops the luggage and looks at me.

"An apology," I said wanting one for him slapping me earlier.

He sighs in frustration. "I'm sorry"

I roll my eyes which pisses him off even more. "No, I want a real apology, with no attitude"

He makes a straight face "I'm sorry" I smile and then he smirks. "Fuck you," I say and walk back into the bathroom slamming the door. I locked it. "Kehlani" he yells trying to open the door. I hear the keys and he opens it.

Fuck. He walks in and grabs my arm pulling me out. I try to stop him but he's too damn strong. "Rick" he yells and rick rushes in. "Grab the luggage," Kilo says. I was relieved because I thought he was going to grab me. Kilo walks up to me. I turn around and the living room that was all bloody and ruined was now spotlessly clean. I froze "What the fuck" I mumble and I feel Kilo's strong hands grabbing my tiny waist. This place was just covered in blood. Literally the most blood I have ever seen in my life.

He puts me over his shoulder and walks out the door

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He puts me over his shoulder and walks out the door. I snap out of it and yell "Put me down Kilo"

He holds me tighter "No"

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