Chapter 4

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~Not Used To It~


"Let me go Kilo," I said trying to stop him from cuffing me to something. What the hell was he doing making a citizen's arrest?

He really is fucking crazy trying to cuff me because I won't talk about MY problems.

"It's Mr.Valentino to you," He said trying to drag me to his desk.

Really? Was that necessary? For him to say that right now.

I was really struggling and trying so hard to get away from him. It's amazing how strong this man is.

"I'm not telling you anything," I said as I pushed him off of me and headed for the door I looked back only to see him walking after me I ran out and shut the door on him. Running to the elevator he chased me. I started banging on the button "Ding Ding Ding Ding" The door wouldn't fucking close. What The Fuck.

I started laughing nervously "DING DING" Worries washed over me. The door needs to close in time before he catches me. Before I knew it the door was closing slowly. "YES," I screamed. He started walking faster. He puts his large hands in the way and opened the door back up. aww shit. He walked in slowly getting in and stopped right in front of me. He turned around and pressed the button waiting for it to close, he then viciously turns around and starts walking towards me. I started walking back until my back hit the wall. I'm so fucked.

He just stood there for a minute staring at me. I tried to move but he pushed me back to the wall. "What the fuck?" I said nervously. Why did he chase me all the way in here if he just wanted to fucking stare? Creep.

"Don't Ever talk to me like that again," he said raising his deep voice at me and I almost laughed. Was he serious? Did he expect me to just listen? After all this. Him trying to cuff me than chasing me to the elevator like a psychopath.

"Talk like what," I said in a deep voice mocking him. I laughed.

He got closer so close his hot breath fanned my face. He grabbed my face roughly with his strong hand leaned down and whispered in my ear "Keep playing with me and you will regret it."

I won't regret shit. I doubt he would do something extreme. If he wanted me dead I'd be dead already. He makes it so obvious he wants something from me.

"Fuck you," I spat raising my voice right back at him. "Ding" The elevator door opened. He took the cuffs off moved back giving me my space and took a deep breath then walked out of the elevator. Not saying anything else.

I stayed in the elevator and made my way to the first floor. I calmly walked out even though work hasn't ended yet. I deserved a little time off. He did have me work two extra hours the first day.

As soon as I got out I ran at that moment I honestly just wanted to get away from everybody, tears formed in my eyes. Everything that was bottled up inside me at that moment was let out for some reason. I can be such a cry baby and once I start crying I sometimes can't stop.

I hated my life and Kilo just made it worse. Every. Fucking. Day.

I have been through hell and he doesn't know what that feels like. But he gives everybody hell. Now I want to quit my job I really hate him. I know it would wear off but maybe quitting would be the best option for me. By the looks of it, he most likely won't change. I have been looking for jobs that pay a higher salary and have less of an asshole boss. So yea I'm thinking about it.

I have been walking at night once again. I should stop doing this cause last time I almost got killed by Kilo, his car, and those creepy men. I wish it wasn't Kilo who saved me that night but maybe somebody else.

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