Chapter 5

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~Get Away~

I remember it like it was yesterday... It was raining hard as fuck that day. March 6, 2018. Mom had gone out to get my anti-depressant meds. Back then I was so depressed. Really depressed. Everything triggered me and living in poverty in LA wasn't a good thing. I couldn't take the shit so they put me on so many pills and medicines. I was getting into so much trouble and had to be kicked out of school for messing around with my teacher. It was nothing serious so I don't understand why I had to be expelled.

I begged her not to go out that day because of the weather but she said I really needed my meds. I told her I didn't but again she was so stubborn.

An hour passed and she still wasn't back. I know something had to happen because the pharmacy was right down the street it couldn't take her that long. Me and my stepfather waited and waited and still, we heard nothing from her. Then the police came knocking on our doors.

Told us our mother had been in a terrible car accident and the other car drove away. He told us what type of car and I still remember it till this day. I was filled with anger and sorrow. How could somebody just get into a car accident and run off like that? What kind of person does that?

After we went to the station and confirmed it was my mother we went home. My stepfather had no expression on his face but that changed as soon as we stepped foot in those doors. He grabbed me by the neck and literally threw me to the wall. At the age of 16, I was small as hell so he had no problem with picking me up. He came rushing at me and slapped me in my face. Back then I was scared terrified and confused so I didn't do anything.

"IT"S ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT YOU WHORE" he says yelling at me and throwing things.


He was out of control. I knew this man was bad but not like this. I swear you only see this shit in the movies. I have never seen this side of him.

I never slept with my teacher that's what he wants to say what he wants to hear. He even tried to send me to boarding school for it I heard him talking to my mother he was trying to send me off. But I never slept with my teacher I almost did we were messing around but not like that it's kind of a long story.

He continued to hit me and abuse me in many ways almost every day of the three years I stayed there.

I always told myself one day I will find who killed my mother and they will regret it.


It was my time to leave Valentino industries for good but I was stuck on writing my resignation letter. I just wanted to be done with him for good. I was hurt and now it was my time to act on it.

Dear Mr.Valentino

I am writing to you today to notify you that today I will be resigning from my position as your personal assistant for good. I have enjoyed the days I spent there working for you I had a good time but I have to just let this job go. I wish you and your company only the best. Thank you for the great experience you gave me and I hope you do good without me.


Kehlani Lexii Paris

I tried to make it sound like I had a great time there. Which was a total lie. I fucking hate everything about that place now that I look back. He needs to seriously take who he hires more seriously.

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