Chapter 32

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The whole ride there I cried. I didn't know where this sicko was taking me and I hate small spaces. One of my biggest fears was being kidnapped. Knowing Kilo would find me calms me down a little. Gosh, I just want to be home.

Yes in New York in his arms safe. But instead, I'm here in a trunk of a car.

I always prepared for it I would be kidnapped. I gotta put on an act with this sick mother fucker. Act like I really wanted to get away from Kilo and this is a vacation. Escape and have him killed. Simple easy plan. I know he would think I'm putting on an act but I can be really convincing.

I cry myself to sleep and dream about Kilo.

I wake up in a familiar place. Too Damm familiar the sheets are soft and place a scent. A scent too well known. I remember last night and get up. But this it's not what I expected.

I was back in Kilos' room. What the fuck. Wasn't I kidnapped? I look over and the blinds are closed. This is his room. I get up and the cold marble floors send shivers down my spine.

I smile in satisfaction to know I'm back home. But I can't face Kilo yet. I walk to the door that connects back to my room. I open it and there was a brick wall. I scream. What the hell? Did he take it down?

I run to the door and it was locked. I then run to the window and open the curtains. What I seen left me in shock. Huge trees and nothing but the woods. I wasn't in Kilo's room. I was nowhere near Kilo.

Jones still has me. Was it really necessary to have Kilos room copied that exact same way? I walk inside the closet which looked just like Kilos but instead filled with women's clothes. Clothes that could fit me. This sick motherfucker.

I walk to the bathroom and my mouth dropped. It was identical to the penthouse. Jones is crazy. Did he really do all this? And for what? What the hell does he want from me?

I felt trapped. This is killing me it feels like home but it isn't. It's nowhere near home. Where the hell am I? In the middle of the woods. Gosh, I don't even know if I'm in America.

I hear locks and the door swing open. I turn around to see Jones walking in with a plate of food. Which actually looked good. I was starving.

He places it on the nightstand and smirks as he walks up to be. I backed up until my back hit the cold window. I shiver. We must be somewhere cold because this window is fucking freezing.

"I told you we'd be together and here we are princess," he says and I smile. The smiling was me trying not to laugh. Was he serious? I let out a little giggle and look down. What have I gotten myself into?

He pulls me in for a hug and I hug him back. I need to make him think that I hate Kilo. So I start crying. He notices I'm crying and pulls back.

"What's wrong?" He asked all concerned.

"Is he- Is he- coming?" I say sobbing and stuttering. I hope he believes me because this isn't even why I'm crying. I'm crying because I want to go home I want to feel safe I want to be in Kilo's arms.

"No," he says and looks at me confused.

"The thing he did to me were horrible," I say wiping my tears and sitting down on the bed. He follows me and starts rubbing my back. Him looking at me creeps me out and now he's trying to calm me down like he didn't just kidnap me??? Like this isn't his fault.

"I would never hurt you," he says touching my hair. He then tangles his fingers in it and pulls my hair making my head tilt back. "Unless you disobey me," he says smiling.

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