Thirty One

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I turn around and I'm greeted by an old man and a old woman who I'm guessing is his wife.

"Hello, your majesty" he says and I notice he has medals on his suit

"Hello, Sir, Ma'am" I say and they smile at me

"How are you this evening?" He asks me

"I'm very well, thank you. How are you?" I ask them

"We are doing exceptionally" he says and i smile

"I see you were in the army?" I ask him

He nods proudly, "75th ranger regiment"

"Oh wow, thank you so much for your service" I say, "forgive me if I'm wrong but isn't the 75th ranger regiment an elite service?"

He smiles, "it is, I spent thirty years of my life serving"

"I bet you have some very fond memories" i say and he nods

"Not all good" he says

i nod, "well, just think about all of the amazing things you have done. And how your have protected your country. That is something to be very proud of"

"It is!" He says

"And how about you, what did you do?" I ask his wife

"I was a race horse trainer" she says and i gasp

"Growing up I wanted to be a jockey but my parents weren't too keen on the idea" I say and they laugh

"Do you ride now?" She asks me

"Not as much as I'd like, but my horse buddy is in England. I usually ride when I need to clear my head, which is usually every day when I'm at home" i say and they chuckle, "what about you?"

"I'm afraid, my age has come in the way of that" she says and i nod

"That's a shame, maybe you could just go on trail rides?" I ask her and she nods

"I have been wanting to but Frank here is too scared of falling off" she says and i laugh

"Hey, it's a long way down" he defends

"You've been shot it's nothing" his wife says and i smile at them both

"We're all afraid of something" I tell them

"That's very true" she says

"It was great meeting you" he says

"You too, I hope I'll see you again sometime" I say and they smile before walking away.

"Your so good at this" Leo says as he walks up to me

"I like talking to people" i say and he smiles

"As much as mum and dad like talking to David and Victoria Beckham?" He asks

"What?" I ask and I turn around to see them all talking to each other.

"Have you met them?" I ask

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